Experimental-design diagrams ============================ .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_archi_standard.png :alt: **Fast event-related design of the ARCHI Standard task.** :name: fig:blocks_archi-std **Fast event-related design of the ARCHI Standard task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_archi_spatial.png :alt: **Block-design of the ARCHI Spatial task.** :name: fig:blocks_archi-spa **Block-design of the ARCHI Spatial task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_archi_social.png :alt: **Block-design of the ARCHI Social task.** :name: fig:blocks_archi-soc **Block-design of the ARCHI Social task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_archi_emotional.png :alt: **Block-design of the ARCHI Emotional task.** :name: fig:blocks_archi-emo **Block-design of the ARCHI Emotional task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_hcp_emotion.png :alt: **Block-design of the HCP Emotion task.** :name: fig:blocks_hcp-emo **Block-design of the HCP Emotion task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_hcp_gambling.png :alt: **Block-design of the HCP Gambling task.** :name: fig:blocks_hcp-gambling **Block-design of the HCP Gambling task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_hcp_motor.png :alt: **Block-design of the HCP Motor task.** :name: fig:blocks_hcp-motor **Block-design of the HCP Motor task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_hcp_language.png :alt: **Block-design of the HCP Language task.** :name: fig:blocks_hcp-lang **Block-design of the HCP Language task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_hcp_relational.png :alt: **Block-design of the HCP Relational task.** :name: fig:blocks_hcp-relational **Block-design of the HCP Relational task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_hcp_social.png :alt: **Block-design of the HCP Social task.** :name: fig:blocks_hcp-social **Block-design of the HCP Social task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_hcp_wm.png :alt: **Block-design of the HCP Working-Memory task.** :name: fig:blocks_hcp-wm **Block-design of the HCP Working-Memory task.** .. figure:: protocol_description/blocks_rsvp_language.png :alt: **Block-design of the RSVP Language task.** :name: fig:blocks_rsvp-lang **Block-design of the RSVP Language task.**