fMRI processing pipelines#

fMRI preprocessing#

Source data were preprocessed using PyPreprocess. This library offers a collection of Python tools to facilitate pipeline runs, reporting and quality check ( It is built upon the Nipype library (Gorgolewski et al., 2011) v0.12.1, that in turn launched various commands used to process neuroimaging data. These commands were taken from the SPM12 software package (Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London, UK) v6685, and the FSL library (Analysis Group, FMRIB, Oxford, UK) v5.0.

All fMRI images, i.e. GE-EPI volumes, were collected twice with reversed phase-encoding directions, resulting in pairs of images with distortions going in opposite directions. Susceptibility-induced off-resonance field was estimated from the two Spin-Echo EPI volumes in reversed phase-encoding directions. The images were corrected based on the estimated deformation model, using the topup tool (Andersson, Skare, and Ashburner 2003) implemented in FSL (Smith et al., 2004).

Further, the GE-EPI volumes were aligned to each other within each participant. A rigid body transformation was employed, in which the average volume of all images was used as reference (Friston et al., 1995). The mean EPI volume was also co-registered onto the corresponding T1-weighted MPRAGE (anatomical) volume for every participant (Ashburner and Friston 1997). The individual anatomical volumes were then segmented into tissue types to finally allow for the normalization of both anatomical and functional data (Ashburner and Friston 2005). Concretely, the segmented volumes were used to compute the deformation field for normalization to the standard MNI152 space. The deformation field was then applied to the EPI data. In the end, all volumes were resampled to their original resolution, i.e. 1 mm isotropic for the T1-weighted MPRAGE images and 1.5 mm for the EPI images.

Model specification#

The fMRI data were analyzed using the General Linear Model (GLM). Regressors of the model were designed to capture variations in BOLD response strictly following stimulus timing specifications. They were estimated through the convolution of temporal representations referring to the task-conditions with the canonical Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF), defined according to (Friston, Fletcher, et al., 1998) and (Friston, Josephs, et al., 1998).

The temporal profile of the conditions was characterized by boxcar functions. To build such models, paradigm descriptors grouped in triplets (i.e. onset time, duration and trial type according to BIDS Specification) were determined from the log files’ registries generated by the stimulus-delivery software.

To account for small fluctuations in the latency of the HRF peak response, additional regressors were computed based on the convolution of the same task-conditions profile with the time derivative of the HRF.

Nuisance regressors were also added to the design matrix in order to minimize the final residual error. To remove signal variance associated with spurious effects arising from movements, six temporal regressors were defined for the motion parameters. Further, the first five principal components of the signal, extracted from voxels showing the 5% highest variance, were also regressed to capture physiological noise (Behzadi et al., 2007).

In addition, a discrete-cosine transform set was applied for high-pass filtering (cutoff = 128 seconds). Model specification was implemented using Nistats library v0.0.1b, a Python module devoted to statistical analysis of fMRI data (, which leverages Nilearn (Abraham et al., 2014), a Python library for statistical learning on neuroimaging data (

Model estimation#

In order to restrict GLM parameters estimation to voxels inside functional brain regions, a brain mask was extracted from the mean EPI volume. The procedure implemented in the Nilearn software simply thresholds the mean fMRI image of each subject in order to separate brain tissue from background, and performs then a morphological opening of the resulting image to remove spurious voxels.

Regarding noise modeling, a first-order autoregressive model was used in the maximum likelihood estimation procedure.

A mass-univariate GLM fit was applied separately to the preprocessed GE-EPI data of each run with respect to a specific task. Parameter estimates pertaining to the experimental conditions were thus computed, along with the respective covariance at every voxel. Various contrasts (linear combinations of the effects), were then defined, referring only to differences in evoked responses between either (i) two conditions-of-interest or (ii) one condition-of-interest and baseline. GLM estimation and subsequent statistical analyses were also implemented using Nistats v0.1. fMRI data analysis was first run on unsmoothed data and, afterwards, on data smoothed with a 5mm full-width-at-half-maximum kernel. Such procedure allows for increased Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and it facilitates between-image comparison.