All tasks

Apart from the MRI data, IBC is also a great resource for fMRI tasks. We have ran over 80 different tasks - gathered from our fellow researchers in the community - that altogether probe a large variety of cognitive domains in the human brain. The following figure depicts how much of the human brain cortex we have covered with these experiments.

The codes and stimuli for all these tasks are openly available on the individual-brain-charting/public_protocols repository. Most of these were implemented with Python, MATLAB or Octave and are hence readily usable. However, some of them were originally implemented with proprietary softwares, and that was what we also used and have provided on the repo. You would still need to have access to these softwares to run those experiments.

Below, you can find the paradigm descriptions, conditions, contrasts as well as the sample stimulation videos for each of these tasks. To help you look for relevant tasks, we have also tagged each of them with some of the broad cognitive_domains they intend to probe. These tags are based on the definitions from Cognitive Atlas.


auditory_word_recognition auditory_sentence_comprehension visual_orientation semantic_processing horizontal_checkerboard

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: In-house custom-made sticks featuring one-top button, each one to be used in each hand

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

  • See demo

The ARCHI tasks are a battery of localizers comprising a wide range of psychological domains. The ArchiStandard task, described in (Pinel et al., 2007) probes basic functions, such as button presses with the left or right hand, viewing horizontal and vertical checkerboards, reading and listening to short sentences, and mental computations (subtractions). Visual stimuli were displayed in four 250-ms epochs, separated by 100ms intervals (i.e., 1.3s in total). Auditory stimuli were generated from a recorded male voice (i.e., a total of 1.6s for motor instructions, 1.2-1.7s for sentences, and 1.2-1.3s for subtraction). The auditory or visual stimuli were shown to the participants for passive viewing or button response in event related paradigms. Informal inquiries undertaken after the MRI session confirmed that the experimental tasks were understood and followed correctly.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for ArchiStandard




Mental subtraction, indicated by auditory instruction


Listen to narrative sentences


Visualization of flashing horizontal checkerboards


Visualization of flashing vertical checkerboards


Mental subtraction, indicated by visual instruction


Left-hand three-times button press, indicated by visual instruction


Right-hand three-times button press, indicated by visual instruction


Read narrative sentences

Contrasts for ArchiStandard




mental subtraction upon audio instruction


left hand button presses upon audio instructions


right hand button presses upon audio instructions


listen to narrative sentence


narrative/computation vs. button presses


mental subtraction


mental subtraction vs. sentence reading


horizontal vs. vertical checkerboard


watch horizontal checkerboard


left vs. right hand button press


listening to sentence vs. reading a sentence


button presses vs. narrative/computation


read sentence vs. checkerboard


reading sentence vs. listening to sentence


right vs. left hand button press


read or listen to sentences


sentence reading vs. mental subtraction


vertical vs. horizontal checkerboard


watch vertical checkerboard


mental subtraction upon video instruction


left hand button presses upon video instructions


right hand button presses upon video instructions


read narrative sentence


visual_tool_recognition hand_chirality_recognition saccadic_eye_movement grasping visual_orientation

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

  • See demo

The ARCHI tasks are a battery of localizers comprising a wide range of psychological domains. ArchiSpatial includes the performance of (1) ocular saccade, (2) grasping and (3) orientation judgments on objects (the two different tasks were actually made on the same visual stimuli in order to characterize grasping-specific activity), (4) judging whether a hand photograph was the left or right hand or (5) was displaying the front or back. The same input stimuli were presented twice in order to characterize specific response to hand side judgment.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for ArchiSpatial




Mimicry of object grasping with right hand, in which the corresponding object was displayed on the screen


Mimic orientation of rhombus, displayed as image background on the screen , using right hand along with fingers


Mental judgment on whether the hand displayed on the image is a left or a right hand


Mental judgment on the palmar-dorsal direction of a hand displayed as visual stimulus


Ocular movements were performed according to the displacement of a fixation cross from the center towards peripheral points in the image displayed

Contrasts for ArchiSpatial




object grasping vs. orientation reporting


left or right hand vs. hand palm or back


object grasping


image orientation reporting


left or right hand


hand palm or back vs. fixation


saccade vs. fixation


auditory_word_recognition narrative_comprehension animacy_perception sound_perception theory_of_mind

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

  • See demo

The ARCHI tasks are a battery of localizers comprising a wide range of psychological domains. ArchiSocial relies on (1) the interpretation of short stories involving false beliefs or not, (2) observation of moving objects with or without a putative intention, and (3) listening to speech and non-speech sounds.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for ArchiSocial




Interpret short stories (presented as auditory stimuli) through mental reply (no active response was involved), featuring a false-belief plot


Interpret short stories (presented as visual stimuli) through mental reply (no active response was involved), featuring a false-belief plot


Interpret short stories (presented as auditory stimuli) through mental reply (no active response was involved), featuring a cause-consequence plot


Interpret short stories (presented as visual stimuli) through mental reply (no active response was involved), featuring a cause-consequence plot


Listen passively to short samples of natural sounds


Listen passively to short samples of human voices


Watch short movies of triangles, which exhibit a putative interaction


Watch short movies of triangles, which exhibit a random movement

Contrasts for ArchiSocial




false-belief story or tale vs. mechanistic story or tale


false-belief tale vs. mechanistic tale


false-belief story vs. mechanistic story


false-belief tale


false-belief story


listening to a mechanistic tale


reading a mechanistic story


listen to natural sound


listen to voice sound vs. natural sound


listen to voice sound


mental motion of triangle


mental motion vs. random motion


randomly drifting triangle


visual_representation visual_recognition visual_orientation facial_trustworthiness_recognition visual_face_recognition

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

  • See demo

The ARCHI tasks are a battery of localizers comprising a wide range of psychological domains. ArchiEmotional includes (1) facial judgments of gender, and (2) trustworthiness plus expression based on complete portraits or photos of eyes’ expressions.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for ArchiEmotional




Mental assessment on the slope of a gray-scale grid image (obtained from scrambling an eyes’ image) that may be tilted or not


Gender evaluation of the presented human eye images


Trustworthy evaluation of the presented human eye images


Mental assessment on the slope of a gray-scale grid image (obtained from scrambling a face’s image) that may be tilted or not


Gender evaluation of the presented human faces


Trustworthy evaluation of the presented human faces

Contrasts for ArchiEmotional




look at scrambled eyes image


guess gender from eyes image


guess the gender from eyes image vs. view scrambled image


guess intention from eyes image


guess intention from eyes image vs. view scrambled image


guess intention vs. gender from eyes image


look at scrambled image


guess the gender from face image


guess the gender from face image


assess face trustfulness


assess face trustfulness vs. view scrambled image


assess face trustfulness vs. gender


assess face trustfulness or guess expression intention vs. scrambled image


assess face trustfulness or guess expression intention vs. guess the gender


selective_attention emotional_expression visual_orientation emotional_face_recognition face_perception

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The HCP tasks used herein were reproductions made in a subset of task-fMRI paradigms originally developed for the Human Connectome Project (Barch et al., 2013), but with minor changes. The main purpose of the HCP Emotion task was to capture neural activity arising from fear- or angry-response processes. To elicit stronger effects, affective facial expressions were used as visual stimuli due to their importance in adaptive social behavior (Hariri et al., 2002). The paradigm was thus composed by two categories of blocks: (1) the face block and (2) the shape block. All blocks consisted of a series of events, in which images with faces or shapes were displayed, respectively. There were always three faces/shapes per image; one face/shape was shown at the top and two faces/shapes were shown at the bottom. The participants were then asked to decide which face/shape at the bottom, i.e. left or right face/shape, matched the one displayed at the top, by pressing respectively the index or middle finger’s button of the response box. The task was formed by twelve blocks per run, i.e. six face blocks and six shape blocks. The two block categories were alternately presented for each run. All blocks contained six trials and they were always initiated by a cue of three seconds. In turn, the trials included a visual-stimulus period of two seconds and a fixation-cross period of one second; the total duration of the trial was thus three seconds.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for HcpEmotion




Images with faces were displayed


Images with shapes were displayed

Contrasts for HcpEmotion




emotional face comparison


emotional face comparison vs. shape comparison


shape comparison


shape comparison vs. emotional face comparison


reward_processing punishment_processing

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The HCP tasks used herein were reproductions made in a subset of task-fMRI paradigms originally developed for the Human Connectome Project (Barch et al., 2013), but with minor changes. The HCP Gambling task was adapted from the incentive processing task-fMRI paradigm of the HCP and its aim was to localize brain structures that take part to the reward system, namely the basal ganglia complex. The paradigm included eight blocks and each block was composed by eight events. For every event, the participants were asked to play a game. The goal was to guess whether the next number to be displayed, which ranged from one to nine, would be more or less than five while a question mark was shown on the screen. The answer was given by pressing the index or middle finger’s button of the response box, respectively. Feedback on the correct number was provided afterwards. There was an equal amount of blocks in which the participants experienced either reward or loss, for most of the events. Concretely, six out of the eight events within a block pertained to one of these two outcomes; the remaining events corresponded to the antagonist or a neutral outcome, i.e. when the correct number was five. The task was constituted by eight blocks per run, in which each half related to reward and loss experience, respectively. The order of the two block categories were pseudorandomized during a single run, but fixed for all participants. A fixation-cross period of fifteen seconds was displayed between blocks. All blocks contained eight trials. The trials included a question-mark visual stimulus lasting up to 1.5 seconds, a feedback period of one second and a fixation-cross period of one second, as well; the total duration of the trial was then 3.5 seconds, approximately.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for HcpGambling




The participant experiences loss


The participant experiences reward

Contrasts for HcpGambling




negative gambling outcome


negative vs. positive gambling outcome


gambling with positive outcome


positive vs. negative gambling outcome


left_hand_response_execution working_memory right_hand_response_execution response_execution response_selection

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

The HCP tasks used herein were reproductions made in a subset of task-fMRI paradigms originally developed for the Human Connectome Project (Barch et al., 2013), but with minor changes. The HCP Motor task was designed with the intent of extracting maps on gross motor topography, in particular motor skills associated with movements of the foot, hand and tongue. There were thus five categories of blocks with respect to motor tasks involving (1) the left foot, (2) the right foot, (3) the left hand, (4) the right hand, and (5) the tongue, respectively. The blocks always started with visual cues referring to which part of the body should be moved. The cues were then followed by a set of events, which were in turn indicated by flashing arrows on the screen. The events pertained to the corresponding movements performed by the participants. The task was formed by five blocks per category, with a total of twenty blocks per run. The order of the block categories were pseudo-randomized during each run, but fixed for all participants. A fixation-dot period of fifteen seconds was inserted between some blocks. All blocks contained ten trials. Every trial included a cue of one second and a period of performance of twelve seconds. During the period of performance, arrows flashed ten times on the screen, as an indication of the number of movements that should be performed. The total duration of the trial was then thirteen seconds.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for HcpMotor




Fixation dot


Visual cue indicating the left foot should be moved


Visual cue indicating the left hand should be moved


Visual cue indicating the right foot should be moved


Visual cue indicating the right hand should be moved


Visual cue indicating the tongue hand should be moved

Contrasts for HcpMotor




motion cue of motion


move left foot


move left foot vs. right foot hands and tongue


move left hand


move left hand vs. right hand feet and tongue


move right foot


move right foot vs. left foot hands and tongue


move right hand


move right hand vs. left hand feet and tongue


move tongue


move tongue vs. hands and feet


narrative_comprehension auditory_arithmetic_processing auditory_sentence_recognition

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The HCP tasks used herein were reproductions made in a subset of task-fMRI paradigms originally developed for the Human Connectome Project (Barch et al., 2013), but with minor changes. The HCP Language task was used as a localizer of brain regions involved in semantic processing, with special focus on the anterior temporal lobe (ATL) (Binder et al., 2011). The paradigm comprised two categories of blocks: (1) story blocks, and (2) math blocks. The math block served as a control task in this context, since it was likely to address other brain regions during the attentional demands. Both type of blocks exhibited auditory stimuli in short epochs, which in turn finished with a final question followed by two possible answers. During story blocks, participants were presented with stories, whose question targeted their respective topics. Conversely, math blocks showed arithmetic problems for which the correct solution must be selected. The answer was provided after the two possible options were displayed, through pressing the corresponding button of the response box, i.e. the button for the index or middle finger of the response box for the first or second option, respectively. The difficulty levels of the problems, presented for both categories, were adjusted throughout the experiment, in order to keep the participants engaged in the task and, thus, assure accurate performances (Binder et al., 2011). The task was composed by eleven blocks per run. For the first run, six story blocks and five math blocks were interleaved, respectively. The reverse amount and order of blocks were used during the second run. The number of trials per block varied between one and four. Nevertheless, it was assured that both block categories matched their length of presentation at every run. There was a cue of two seconds in the beginning of each block, indicating its category. The duration of the trials within a block varied between ten and thirty seconds. Finally, the presentation of the auditory stimuli was always accompanied by the display of a fixation cross on the screen throughout the entire run.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for HcpLanguage




Auditorily-cued mental addition


Listening to tales

Contrasts for HcpLanguage




mental additions


mental additions vs. listening to tale


listening to tale


listening to tale vs. mental additions


visual_form_recognition relational_comparison visual_pattern_recognition feature_comparison

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The HCP tasks used herein were reproductions made in a subset of task-fMRI paradigms originally developed for the Human Connectome Project (Barch et al., 2013), but with minor changes. The HCP Relational task employed a relational matching-to-sample paradigm, featuring a second-order comparison of relations between two pairs of objects. It served primarily as a localizer of the rostrolateral prefrontal cortex, since relational matching mechanisms were shown to elicit activation on this region (Smith et al., 2007). Similarly to some previous tasks, two categories of blocks described the paradigm: (1) the relational-processing block, and (2) the control-matching block. All blocks were constituted by a set of events. In the relational-processing block, visual stimuli consisted of images representing two pairs of objects, in which one pair was placed at the top and the other one at the bottom of the image, respectively. Objects within a pair may differ in two dimensions: shape and texture. The participants had to identify whether the pair of objects from the top differed in a specific dimension and, subsequently, they were asked to determine whether the pair from the bottom changed along the same dimension. For the control block, one pair of objects was displayed at the top of the image and a single object at the bottom of the same image. In addition, a cue was shown in the middle of that image referring to one of the two possible dimensions. The participants had thus to indicate whether the object from the bottom was matching either of the two objects from the top, according to the dimension specified as a cue. If there was a match they had to press with the index finger on the corresponding button of the button box; otherwise, they had to press with the middle finger on the corresponding one.

This task was formed by twelve blocks per run. Two groups of six blocks referred to the two block categories, respectively. Block categories were, in turn, interleaved for display within a run. A fixation-cross period of sixteen seconds was inserted between some blocks. All blocks contained six trials and they were always initiated by a cue of two seconds. The trials were described by a visual-stimulus plus response period followed by a fixation-cross period, lasting up to ten seconds. The duration of the former differed in agreement with the type of block, i.e. it lasted nine seconds and 7.6 seconds during the relational-processing block and control-matching block, respectively.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for HcpRelational




Simple visual matching


Relational processing of visual objects

Contrasts for HcpRelational




visual feature matching vs. fixation


relational comparison vs. fixation


relational comparison vs. matching


motion_detection mentalization animacy_decision animacy_perception

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The HCP tasks used herein were reproductions made in a subset of task-fMRI paradigms originally developed for the Human Connectome Project (Barch et al., 2013), but with minor changes. The HCP Social task intended to provide evidence for task-specific activation in brain structures presumably implicated in social cognition. The paradigm included two categories of blocks, in which movies were presented during short epochs. The movies consisted in triangle-shape clip art, moving in a predetermined fashion. Putative social interactions could be drawn from movements referring to the block category on the effect-of-interest. In contrast, objects appeared to be randomly moving the other category, i.e. the control-effect block. Participants were to decide whether the movements of the objects appeared to represent a social interaction (by pressing with the index finger in the corresponding button of the response box) or not (by pressing with the ring finger in the corresponding button of the response box; in case of uncertainty, they had to press with the middle finger. The task was constituted by ten blocks per run. Each half of the blocks corresponded to one of the aforementioned block categories, whose order was pseudo-randomized for every run, but fixed for all participants. There was only one trial present per block. It consisted of a twenty-second period of video-clip presentation plus three seconds maximum of a response period, indicated by a momentary instruction on the screen. Thus, the total duration of a block was approximately twenty three seconds. A fixation-cross period of fifteen seconds was always displayed between blocks.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for HcpSocial




Watching a movie with mental motion


Watching a movie with random motion

Contrasts for HcpSocial




mental motion vs. fixation


mental motion vs. random motion


random motion vs. fixation


visual_tool_recognition place_maintenance visual_working_memory visual_object_recognition maintenance

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The HCP tasks used herein were reproductions made in a subset of task-fMRI paradigms originally developed for the Human Connectome Project (Barch et al., 2013), but with minor changes. The HCP Working Memory task was adapted from the classical n-back task to serve as functional localizer for evaluation of working-memory (WM) capacity and related processes. The paradigm integrated two categories of blocks: (1) the “0-back” WM-task block, and (2) the “2-back” WM-task block. They were both equally presented within a run. A cue was always displayed at the beginning of each block, indicating its task-related type. Blocks were formed by set of events, during which pictures of faces, places, tools or body parts were shown on the screen. One block was always dedicated to one specific category of pictures and the four categories were always presented at every run. At each event, the participant were to decide whether the image matched with the reference or not, by pressing respectively on the index or middle finger’s button of the response box. The task was constituted by sixteen blocks per run, split into two block categories. Besides, there were four pairs of blocks per category, referring respectively to the four classes of pictures mentioned above. The order of the blocks, regardless their category and corresponding class of pictures, was pseudo-randomized for every run, but fixed for all participants. A fixation-cross period of fifteen seconds was introduced between some blocks. All blocks contained ten trials, and they were always initiated by a cue of 2.5 seconds. Trials included in turn the presentation of a picture for two seconds and a very short fixation-cross period for half of a second; the total duration of one trial was thus 2.5 seconds.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for HcpWm




0-back, pictures of body parts were displayed


0-back, pictures of faces were displayed


0-back, pictures of places were displayed


0-back, pictures of tools were displayed


2-back, pictures of body parts were displayed


2-back, pictures of faces were displayed


2-back, pictures of places were displayed


2-back, pictures of tools were displayed

Contrasts for HcpWm




0-back vs. 2-back


body image 0-back task vs. fixation


face image 0-back task vs. fixation


place image 0-back task vs. fixation


tool image 0-back task vs. fixation


2-back vs. 0-back


body image 2-back task vs. fixation


face image 2-back task vs. fixation


place image 2-back task vs. fixation


tool image 2-back task vs. fixation


body image versus face place tool image


face image versus body place tool image


place image versus face body tool image


tool image versus face place body image


string_maintenance sentence_comprehension combinatorial_semantics syntactic_parsing visual_pseudoword_recognition


  • Software: Expyriment 0.7.0 (Python 2.7)

  • Response device: In-house custom-made sticks featuring one-top button, each one to be used in each hand

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

  • See demo

The Rapid-Serial-Visual-Presentation (RSVP) language task, adapted from (Humphries et al., 2006) study on syntactic and semantic processing in auditory sentence comprehension, targets similar modules in the context of reading. This adaptation allows for additional insights into visual word recognition, sublexical processing, and other aspects of active reading. The paradigm employs a block-design presentation strategy, with each block representing an epoch within a trial. These epochs correspond to different experimental conditions, involving the consecutive visual presentation of ten constituents composed by letters. All linguistic content elicited from the conditions except “consonant strings”, such as grammar rules, lexicon and phonemes, were part of the french language. To ensure continuous engagement, participants were immediately prompted after each sentence to determine if the current constituent, or ‘probe’, belonged to the preceding sentence. They responded by pressing the left button for ‘yes’ and the right button for ‘no’.

Data were collected in a single session comprising six runs, each consisting of sixty trials. Within each run, ten trials were dedicated to each condition. Trial order was pseudo-randomized within and between runs, ensuring no repeated trials in a session. The presentation order of trials varied across participants. Each trial included several experimental stages: fixation cross display (2 seconds), brief blank screen (0.5 seconds), linguistic stimuli block (4 seconds), variable blank screen jitter (1-1.5 seconds), second fixation cross display (0.5 seconds), probe display (0.5 seconds), and response period (up to 2 seconds). This resulted in a total trial duration of ten seconds. Additionally, three extra seconds of blank screen preceded the first trial in every run. Opposite phase-encoding directions were applied during acquisition of each half of the total runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for RSVPLanguage




Constituents, i.e. words formed syntactically and semantically congruent sentences with more than one clause grid image that may be tilted or not (high sentence-structure complexity)


Syntactically and semantically non-congruent sentences composed by non-vocable constituents


Presented word, for which one has to assess whether it was in the previously presented sequence or not


Syntactically and semantically non-congruent sentences composed by non-lexical vocable constituents


Syntactically congruent sentences composed by non-lexical vocable constituents


Constituents, i.e. words formed syntactically and semantically congruent sentences of one single clause (low_sentence-structure_complexity)


Syntactically non-congruent sentences but with semantic content

Contrasts for RSVPLanguage




read sentence with complex syntax vs. fixation


read complex sentence vs. consonant strings


read sentence with complex vs. simple syntax


read and encode consonant strings vs. fixation


read jabberwocky vs. fixation


read jabberwocky vs. consonant strings


read jabberwocky vs. pseudowords


word probe


read pseudowords vs. consonant strings


read pseudowords vs. fixation


read sentence vs. consonant strings


read sentence vs. jabberwocky


read sentence vs. pseudowords


read sentence vs. words


read sentence with simple syntax vs. fixation


read simple sentence vs. consonant strings


read words vs. consonant strings


read words vs. pseudowords


read words vs. fixation



  • Software: nan

Participants underwent two sessions, each consisting of two 15-minute runs of resting-state fMRI data. This resulted in a total of 1 hour of resting-state data per subject. Participants were instructed to remain still, keep their eyes open, and focus on a crosshair displayed on the screen. For more information on the acquisition parameters used for the resting-state data, refer to Acquisition parameters for resting-state BOLD-contrast images.


temporal_cognition time_orientation cardinal_orientation west_cardinal-direction_judgment spatial_localization


  • Software: Expyriment 0.7.0 / pygame 1.9.3

  • Response device: In-house custom-made sticks featuring one-top button, each one to be used in each hand

  • Repository

  • See demo

The Mental Time Travel (MTT) task battery was built on prior NeuroSpin studies focused on chronosthesia and mental space navigation (Gauthier et al., 2016, Gauthier et al., 2016, Gauthier et al., 2018). These studies involved judging the ordinality of historical events via egocentric mapping. In contrast, our task assessed neural correlates for both mental time and space judgment using narratives and allocentric mapping. To eliminate subject-specific representations, we used fictional scenarios with fabricated stories and characters on different islands.

Each island had two stories plotted in a two-dimensional mesh of nodes, each representing a specific action. The narratives were presented as audio to prevent graphical memory retrieval, and participants learned the stories chronographically, without taking visual notes. The stories of each island evolved both in time and in one single cardinal direction. The cardinal directions, cued in the MTTWE task, were West-East (WE). In addition, the stories of each island evolved spatially in opposite ways. So, the two stories plotted in the West-East island evolved across time from west to east and east to west, respectively.

The task followed a block-design paradigm, featuring three audio stimulus conditions: (1) Reference, providing context for time or space judgment; (2) Cue, instructing the type of mental judgment to be made, i.e. “Before or After?” for the time judgment or “West or East?” for the space judgment; and (3) Event, the action to be judged. Each trial began with a two-second Reference followed by silence, then a two-second Cue with silence, and four Events presented for two seconds each, interspersed by a three-second Response condition. The total trial duration was 39 seconds.

A black fixation cross was always on screen, participants were instructed to keep their eyes open. At the end of each trial, the cross briefly turned red, signaling the next trial. Participants responded by pressing left or right-hand buttons to indicate their judgments based on the Cue, either temporal or spatial. If the Cue hinted at time judgment, the participants were to judge whether the previous Event occurred before or after the Reference. If the Cue concerned with space judgment, participants were to judge whether the Event occurred west or east of the Reference.

One data collection session consisted of three runs, each comprising twenty trials. Half of these trials focused on time navigation, and the other half on space navigation. Both types of navigation shared five different references, resulting in two trials with the same reference for each type of navigation. These two trials differed in the distance between the node of the Reference and the node of each Event, with ‘close’ referring to two consecutive nodes, and ‘far’ indicating two nodes interspersed by another node. Within trials, half of the Events related to past or western actions, and the other half to future or eastern actions with respect to the Reference.

Trial order was shuffled within runs, ensuring each run featured a unique sequence of trials based on reference type (both in time and space) and cue. Given only two types of answers, events were randomized according to their correct answer within each trial. This randomized sequence was consistent across all participants for each run and is available in the task’s Github repository. It’s important to note that the sequence of trials for all runs is predetermined and provided as inputs for a specific session in the protocol.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for MTTWE




Action to be judged whether it takes place before or after this reference, that actually takes place before this reference, in the west-east island


Motor responses performed after every event condition in the west-east island


Cue indicating a question about spatial orientation in the west-east island


Cue indicating a question about time orientation in the west-east island


Action in the story to serve as reference for the time or space judgment in the same trial in the west-east island


Action to be judged whether it takes place before or after this reference, that actually takes place before this reference, in the west-east island


Action to be judged whether it takes place west or east from this reference, that actually takes place east from this reference


Action to be judged whether it takes place west or east from this reference, that actually takes place west from this reference

Contrasts for MTTWE




events occurring eastside vs. westside


events occurring after vs. before in west-east island


events occurring after vs. fixation in west-east island


motor responses performed after every event condition in the west-east island


spatial vs. time cues in west-east island


spatial cue of the next event in west-east island


time vs. spatial cues in west-east island


time cue of the next event in west-east island


figuring out the space or time of an event in west-east island


updating ones position in space and time in west-east island


events occurring before vs. after in west-east island


events occurring before vs. fixation in west-east island


events occurring eastside vs. fixation


event in space vs. event in time in west-east island


figuring out the position of an event in west-east island


event in time vs. event in space in west-east island


figuring out the time of an event in west-east island


events occurring westside vs. fixation


events occurring westside vs. eastside


temporal_cognition north_cardinal-direction_judgment time_orientation cardinal_orientation south_cardinal-direction_judgment


  • Software: Expyriment 0.7.0 / pygame 1.9.4

  • Response device: In-house custom-made sticks featuring one-top button, each one to be used in each hand

  • Repository

  • See demo

The Mental Time Travel (MTT) task battery was developed following previous studies conducted at the NeuroSpin platform on chronosthesia and mental space navigation (Gauthier et al., 2016, Gauthier et al., 2016, Gauthier et al., 2018). The MTTNS task is exactly the same as MTTWE task except that the the cardinal directions, cued in the task, were North-South (NS). In addition, the two stories plotted in the South-North island evolved across time from north to south and south to north. The MTTNS task was performed in a separate session from the MTTWE task.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for MTTNS




Action to be judged whether it takes place before or after this reference, that actually takes place before this reference, in the south-north island


Motor responses performed after every event condition in the south-north island


Cue indicating a question about spatial orientation in the south-north island


Cue indicating a question about time orientation in the south-north island


Action in the story to serve as reference for the time or space judgment in the same trial in the west-east island


Action to be judged whether it takes place before or after this reference, that actually takes place before this reference, in the south-north island


Action to be judged whether it takes place south or north from this reference, that actually takes place north from this reference


Action to be judged whether it takes place south or north from this reference, that actually takes place south from this reference

Contrasts for MTTNS




events occurring northsife vs. southside


events occurring after vs. before in south-north island


events occurring after vs. fixation in south-north island


motor responses performed after all event condition in the south-north island


spatial vs. time cues in south-north island


spatial cue of the next event in south-north island


time vs. spatial cues in south-north island


time cue of the next event in south-north island


figuring out the space or time of an event in south-north island


updating ones position in space and time in south-north island


events occurring before vs. after in south-north island


events occurring before vs. fixation in south-north island


events occurring northside vs. fixation


events occurring southside vs. fixation


event in space vs. event in time in south-north island


figuring out the position of an event in south-north island


event in time vs. event in space in south-north island


figuring out the time of an event in south-north island


events occurring southside vs. northside


visual_representation confidence_judgment judgment reward_valuation incentive_salience


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The Preference task battery was adapted from the Pleasantness Rating task described in (Lebreton et al., 2015), in order to capture the neural correlates underlying the decision-making for potentially rewarding outcomes (aka “positive-incentive value”) as well as the level of confidence of such type of action. The whole task battery is composed of four tasks, each of them pertaining to the presentation of items of a certain kind. Therefore, PreferenceFood task was dedicated to “food items”. The task was organized as a block-design experiment with one condition per trial. Every trial started with a fixation cross, whose duration was jittered between 0.5 seconds and 4.5 seconds, after which a picture of an item was displayed on the screen together with a rating scale and a cursor. Participants were to indicate how pleasant the presented stimulus was, by sliding the cursor along the scale. Index and ring finger’s of the response box were to move respectively with low and high speed to the left whereas the middle and little fingers were to move respectively with low and high speed to the right; thumb’s button was used to validate the answer. The scale ranged between 1 and 100. The value 1 corresponded to the choices “unpleasant” or “indifferent”; the middle of the scale corresponded to the choice “pleasant”; and the value 100 corresponded to the choice “very pleasant”. Therefore, the ratings related only to the estimation of the positive-incentive value of the items displayed.

The task was presented twice in two fully dedicated runs. The stimuli were always different between runs of the same task. As a consequence, no stimulus was ever repeated in any trial and, thus, no item was ever assessed more than once by the participants. Although each trial had a variable duration, according to the time spent by the participant in the assessment, no run lasted longer than eight minutes and sixteen seconds. To avoid any selection bias in the sequence of stimuli, the order of their presentation was shuffled across trials and between runs of the same type. This shuffle is embedded in the code of the protocol and, thus, the sequence was determined upon launching it. Consequently, the sequence of stimuli was also random across subjects.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for PreferenceFood




Classify the level of pleasantness of a food item displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to eat it, this condition serves as an occurrence regressor when formulated as visual evaluation of an item vs. fixation


Classify the level of pleasantness of a food item displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to eat it. this condition captures the linear effect of pleasantness (akin to judgement effects) when formulated as visual preference vs. no preference


Classify the level of pleasantness of a food item displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to eat it. this condition captures the quadratic effect of pleasantness (akin to confidence effects) when formulated as confidence in preference vs. no confidence

Contrasts for PreferenceFood




evaluation of food


linear effect of food preference


quadratic effect of food preference


visual_representation confidence_judgment aesthetic_experience judgment reward_valuation


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • See demo

The Preference task battery was adapted from the Pleasantness Rating task described in (Lebreton et al., 2015), in order to capture the neural correlates underlying the decision-making for potentially rewarding outcomes (aka “positive-incentive value”) as well as the level of confidence of such type of action. The whole task battery is composed of four tasks, each of them pertaining to the presentation of items of a certain kind. Therefore, PreferencePaintings task was dedicated to “paintings”. The task was organized as a block-design experiment with one condition per trial. Every trial started with a fixation cross, whose duration was jittered between 0.5 seconds and 4.5 seconds, after which a picture of an item was displayed on the screen together with a rating scale and a cursor. Participants were to indicate how pleasant the presented stimulus was, by sliding the cursor along the scale. Index and ring finger’s of the response box were to move respectively with low and high speed to the left whereas the middle and little fingers were to move respectively with low and high speed to the right; thumb’s button was used to validate the answer. The scale ranged between 1 and 100. The value 1 corresponded to the choices “unpleasant” or “indifferent”; the middle of the scale corresponded to the choice “pleasant”; and the value 100 corresponded to the choice “very pleasant”. Therefore, the ratings related only to the estimation of the positive-incentive value of the items displayed.

The task was presented twice in two fully dedicated runs. The stimuli were always different between runs of the same task. As a consequence, no stimulus was ever repeated in any trial and, thus, no item was ever assessed more than once by the participants. Although each trial had a variable duration, according to the time spent by the participant in the assessment, no run lasted longer than eight minutes and sixteen seconds. To avoid any selection bias in the sequence of stimuli, the order of their presentation was shuffled across trials and between runs of the same type. This shuffle is embedded in the code of the protocol and, thus, the sequence was determined upon launching it. Consequently, the sequence of stimuli was also random across subjects.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for PreferencePaintings




Classify the level of pleasantness of a painting displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to possess it, this condition serves as an occurrenceregressor when formulated as visual evaluation of an item vs. fixation


Classify the level of pleasantness of a painting displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to possess it. this condition captures the linear effect of pleasantness (akin to judgement effects) when formulated as visual preference vs. no preference


Classify the level of pleasantness of a painting displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to possess it. this condition captures the quadratic effect of pleasantness (akin to confidence effects) when formulated as confidence in preference vs. no confidence

Contrasts for PreferencePaintings




evaluation of paintings


linear effect of paintings preference


quadratic effect of paintings preference


visual_representation confidence_judgment visual_face_recognition facial_attractiveness_recognition judgment


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The Preference task battery was adapted from the Pleasantness Rating task described in (Lebreton et al., 2015), in order to capture the neural correlates underlying the decision-making for potentially rewarding outcomes (aka “positive-incentive value”) as well as the level of confidence of such type of action. The whole task battery is composed of four tasks, each of them pertaining to the presentation of items of a certain kind. Therefore, PreferenceFaces task was dedicated to “human faces”. All tasks were organized as a block-design experiment with one condition per trial. Every trial started with a fixation cross, whose duration was jittered between 0.5 seconds and 4.5 seconds, after which a picture of an item was displayed on the screen together with a rating scale and a cursor. Participants were to indicate how pleasant the presented stimulus was, by sliding the cursor along the scale. Index and ring finger’s of the response box were to move respectively with low and high speed to the left whereas the middle and little fingers were to move respectively with low and high speed to the right; thumb’s button was used to validate the answer. The scale ranged between 1 and 100. The value 1 corresponded to the choices “unpleasant” or “indifferent”; the middle of the scale corresponded to the choice “pleasant”; and the value 100 corresponded to the choice “very pleasant”. Therefore, the ratings related only to the estimation of the positive-incentive value of the items displayed.

The task was presented twice in two fully dedicated runs. The stimuli were always different between runs of the same task. As a consequence, no stimulus was ever repeated in any trial and, thus, no item was ever assessed more than once by the participants. Although each trial had a variable duration, according to the time spent by the participant in the assessment, no run lasted longer than eight minutes and sixteen seconds. To avoid any selection bias in the sequence of stimuli, the order of their presentation was shuffled across trials and between runs of the same type. This shuffle is embedded in the code of the protocol and, thus, the sequence was determined upon launching it. Consequently, the sequence of stimuli was also random across subjects.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for PreferenceFaces




Classify the level of pleasantness of a human face displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to meet the person portrayed, this condition serves as an occurrence regressor when formulated as visual evaluation of an item vs. fixation


Classify the level of pleasantness of a human face displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to meet the person portrayed. this condition captures the linear effect of pleasantness (akin to judgement effects) when formulated as visual preference vs. no preference


Classify the level of pleasantness of a human face displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to meet the person portrayed. this condition captures the quadratic effect of pleasantness (akin to confidence effects) when formulated as confidence in preference vs. no confidence

Contrasts for PreferenceFaces




evaluation of faces


linear effect of face preference


quadratic effect of face preference


visual_representation confidence_judgment visual_place_recognition incentive_salience judgment


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The Preference task battery was adapted from the Pleasantness Rating task described in (Lebreton et al., 2015), in order to capture the neural correlates underlying the decision-making for potentially rewarding outcomes (aka “positive-incentive value”) as well as the level of confidence of such type of action. The whole task battery is composed of four tasks, each of them pertaining to the presentation of items of a certain kind. Therefore, PreferenceHouses task was dedicated to “houses”. All tasks were organized as a block-design experiment with one condition per trial. Every trial started with a fixation cross, whose duration was jittered between 0.5 seconds and 4.5 seconds, after which a picture of an item was displayed on the screen together with a rating scale and a cursor. Participants were to indicate how pleasant the presented stimulus was, by sliding the cursor along the scale. Index and ring finger’s of the response box were to move respectively with low and high speed to the left whereas the middle and little fingers were to move respectively with low and high speed to the right; thumb’s button was used to validate the answer. The scale ranged between 1 and 100. The value 1 corresponded to the choices “unpleasant” or “indifferent”; the middle of the scale corresponded to the choice “pleasant”; and the value 100 corresponded to the choice “very pleasant”. Therefore, the ratings related only to the estimation of the positive-incentive value of the items displayed.

The task was presented twice in two fully dedicated runs. The stimuli were always different between runs of the same task. As a consequence, no stimulus was ever repeated in any trial and, thus, no item was ever assessed more than once by the participants. Although each trial had a variable duration, according to the time spent by the participant in the assessment, no run lasted longer than eight minutes and sixteen seconds. To avoid any selection bias in the sequence of stimuli, the order of their presentation was shuffled across trials and between runs of the same type. This shuffle is embedded in the code of the protocol and, thus, the sequence was determined upon launching it. Consequently, the sequence of stimuli was also random across subjects.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for PreferenceHouses




Classify the level of pleasantness of a house displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to live in that house. this condition serves as an occurrenceregressor when formulated as visual evaluation of an item vs. fixation


Classify the level of pleasantness of a house displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to live in that house. this condition captures the linear effect of pleasantness (akin to judgement effects) when formulated as visual preference vs. no preference


Classify the level of pleasantness of a house displayed on the screen in terms of willingness to live in that house. this condition captures the quadratic effect of pleasantness (akin to confidence effects) when formulated as confidence in preference vs. no confidence

Contrasts for PreferenceHouses




evaluation of houses


linear effect of houses preference


quadratic effect of houses preference


narrative_comprehension theory_of_mind semantic_processing


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • Repository

  • See demo

This battery of tasks was adapted from the original task-fMRI localizers of Saxe Lab, that intended to identify functional regions-of-interest in the Theory-of-Mind network and Pain Matrix regions. Minor changes were employed in the present versions of the tasks herein described. Because the cohort of this dataset is composed solely of native French speakers, the verbal stimuli were thus translated to French. Therefore, the durations of the reading period and the response period within conditions were slightly increased. The Theory Of Mind task was a localizer was intended to identify brain regions involved in theory-of-mind and social cognition, by contrasting activation during two distinct story conditions: belief judgments, reading a false-belief story that portrayed characters with false beliefs about their own reality; and fact judgments, reading a story about a false photograph, map or sign (Dodell-Feder et al., 2011). The task was organized as a block-design experiment with one condition per trial. Every trial started with a fixation cross of twelve seconds, followed by the main condition that comprised a reading period of eighteen seconds and a response period of six seconds. During this response period, participants were to judge whether a statement about the story previously displayed is true or false by pressing respectively with the index or middle finger in the corresponding button of the response box. The total duration of the trial amounted to thirty six seconds. There were ten trials in a run, followed by an extra period of fixation cross for twelve seconds at the end of the run. Two runs were dedicated to this task in one single session. The designs, i.e. the sequence of conditions across trials, for two possible runs were pre-determined by the authors of the original study and hard-coded in the original protocol. The IBC-adapted protocols contain the exactly same designs. For all subjects, design 1 was employed for the PA-run and design 2 for the AP-run.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for TheoryOfMind




Read a false-belief story


Read a false-photograph story

Contrasts for TheoryOfMind




manipulation of belief judgments


belief vs. factual judgments


manipulation of fact judgments


narrative_comprehension imagined_physical_pain imagined_emotional_pain empathy


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is part of the Saxe Lab task-fMRI localizers, which aimed to identify functional regions of interest in the Theory-of-Mind network and Pain Matrix regions. Emotional Pain was an emotional pain localizer that was intended to identify brain regions involved in theory-of-mind and Pain Matrix areas, by contrasting activation during two distinct story conditions: reading a story that portrayed characters suffering from emotional pain and physical pain (Jacoby et al., 2016). The experimental design of this task is identical to the one employed for the TheoryOfMind localizer, except that the reading period lasted twelve seconds instead of eighteen seconds. During the response period, the participant had to the judge the amount of pain experienced by the character(s) portrayed in the previous story. For no pain, they had to press with their thumb on the corresponding button of the response box; for mild pain, they had to press with their index finger; for moderate pain, they had to press with the middle finger; and for a strong pain, they had to press with the ring finger.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for EmotionalPain




Read story about fictional characters suffering from emotional pain


Read story about fictional characters suffering from physical pain

Contrasts for EmotionalPain




emotional vs. physical pain story


reading emotional pain story


reading physical pain story


imagined_physical_pain theory_of_mind visual_attention imagined_emotional_pain empathy


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

This task is part of the Saxe Lab task-fMRI localizers, which aimed to identify functional regions of interest in the Theory-of-Mind network and Pain Matrix regions. The Pain Movie task was a pain movie localizer and consisted displaying “Partly Cloudy”, a 6 minutes movie from Disney Pixar, in order to study the responses implicated in theory-of-mind and Pain Matrix brain regions (Jacoby et al., 2016, Richardson et al., 2018). Two main conditions were thus hand-coded in the movie, according to (Richardson et al.), as follows: mental movie, in which characters were “mentalizing”; and physical pain movie, in which characters were experiencing physical pain. Such conditions were intended to evoke brain responses from theory-of-mind and pain-matrix networks, respectively. All moments in the movie not focused on the direct interaction of the main characters were considered as a baseline period.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for PainMovie




Watch movie-scene wherein characters experience changes in beliefs, desires, and/or emotions


Watch movie-scene wherein characters experience physical pain

Contrasts for PainMovie




movie with events about changes in beliefs desires and emotions


mental events vs. physically painful events


movie with physically painful events


visual_working_memory numerosity visual_form_discrimination visual_orientation visual_buffer


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • See demo

This battery of tasks was adapted from the control experiment described in (Knops et al., 2014). Minor changes were employed for the IBC implementation of this battery which have been described later in this section. In the Visual Short-Term Memory (VSTM) task, participants were presented with a certain number of bars, varying from one to six. Every trial started with the presentation of a black fixation dot in the center of the screen for 0.5 seconds. While still on the screen, the black fixation dot was then displayed together with a certain number of tilted bars - variable between trials from one to six - for 0.15 seconds. Afterwards, a white fixation dot was shown for 1 second. It was next replaced by the presentation of the test stimulus for 1.7 seconds, displaying identical number of tilted bars in identical positions together with a green fixation dot. The participants were to remember the orientation of the bars from the previous sample and answer with one of the two possible button presses, i.e. respectively with the index or middle finger, depending on whether one of the bars in the current display had changed orientation by 90◦ or not, which was the case in half of the trials. The test display was replaced by another black fixation dot for a fixed duration of 3.8 seconds. Thus, the trial was 7.15 seconds long. There were seventy two trials in a run and four runs in one single session. Pairs of runs were launched consecutively. To avoid selection bias in the sequence of stimuli, the order of the trials was shuffled according to numerosity and change of orientation within runs and across participants. Both the response period and the period of the fixation dot at the end of each trial were made constant.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for VSTM




Judge whether any bar changed orientation within two consecutive displays of bar sets on the screen, response to numerosity vs. fixation


Judge whether any bar changed orientation within two consecutive displays of bar sets on the screen, linear response to numerosity


Judge whether any bar changed orientation within two consecutive displays of bar sets on the screen, response to quadratic numerosity effect

Contrasts for VSTM




visual orientation


linear effect of numerosity in visual orientation


quadratic effect of numerosity in visual orientation


visual_working_memory numerosity enumeration visual_buffer shape_recognition


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • See demo

The Enumeration task was also a part of battery of tasks was adapted from the control experiment described in (Knops et al., 2014). Minor changes were employed for the IBC implementation of this battery which have been described later in this section. In this task, participants were presented with a certain number of tilted dark-gray bars on a light-gray background, varying from one to eight. Every trial started with the presentation of a black fixation dot in the center of the screen for 0.5 seconds. While still on the screen, the black fixation dot was then displayed together with a certain number of tilted bars for 0.15 seconds. It was followed by a response period of 1.7s, in which only a green fixation dot was being displayed on the screen. The participants were to remember the number of the bars that were shown right before and answer accordingly, by pressing the corresponding button: once with the thumb’s button for one bar; once with the index finger’s button for two bars; once with the middle finger’s button for three bars; once with the ring finger’s button for four bars; twice with the thumb’s button for five bars; twice with the index finger’s button for six bars; twice with the middle finger’s button for seven bars; twice with the ring finger’s button for eight bars. Afterwards, another black fixation dot was displayed for a fixed duration of 7.8 seconds. The trial length was thus 9.95 seconds. There were ninety six trials in a run and two (consecutive) runs in one single session. To avoid selection bias in the sequence of stimuli, the order of the trials was shuffled according to numerosity within runs and across participants. Both the response period and the period of the fixation dot at the end of each trial were made constant. The answers were registered via a button-press response box instead of an audio registration of oral responses as in the original study.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Enumeration




Occurrence regressor for the enumeration response to constant numerosity when compared against fixation


Capture the linear effect of enumeration response to numerosity


Capture the quadratic effect of enumeration response to numerosity interaction

Contrasts for Enumeration






linear effect of numerosity in enumeration


quadratic effect of numerosity in enumeration


other-reference_effect episodic_memory self-reference_effect judgment memory


  • Software: Expyriment 0.7.0 (Python 2.7)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • See demo

The Self task was adapted from (Genom et al., 2014), originally developed to investigate the Self-Reference Effect in older adults. This effect pertains to the encoding mechanism of information referring to the self, characterized as a memory-advantaged process. Consequently, memory-retrieval performance is also better for information encoded in reference to the self than to other people, objects or concepts. The present task was thus composed of two phases, each of them relying on encoding and recognition procedures. The encoding phase was intended to map brain regions related to the encoding of items in reference to the self, whereas the recognition one was conceived to isolate the memory network specifically involved in the retrieval of those items. The phases were interspersed, so that the recognition phase was always related to the encoding phase presented immediately before. The encoding phase had two blocks. Each block was composed of a set of trials pertaining to the same condition. For both conditions, a different adjective was presented at every trial on the screen. The participants were to judge whether or not the adjective described themselves – self-reference encoding condition– or another person – other-reference encoding condition– by pressing with the index finger on the corresponding button of the response box for “yes” and with the middle finger for “no”. The other person was a public figure in France around the same age range as the cohort, whose gender matched the gender of every participant.

Two public figures were mentioned, one at the time, across all runs; four public figures –two of each gender– were selected beforehand. By this way, we ensured that all participants were able to successfully characterize the same individuals, holding equal the levels of familiarity and affective attributes with respect to these individuals. In the recognition phase, participants were to remember whether or not the adjectives had also been displayed during the previous encoding phase, by pressing with the index finger on the corresponding button of the response box for “yes” and with the middle finger for “no”. This phase was composed of a single block of trials, pertaining to three categories of conditions. New adjectives were presented during one half of the trials whereas the other half were in reference to the adjectives displayed in the previous phase. Thus, trials referring to the adjectives from self-reference encoding were part of the self-reference recognition category and trials referring to the other-reference encoding were part of the other-reference recognition category.

There were four runs in one session. The first three ones had three phases; the fourth and last run had four phases. Their total durations were twelve and 15.97 seconds, respectively. Blocks of both phases started with an instruction condition of five seconds, containing a visual cue. The cue was related to the judgment that should be performed next, according to the type of condition featured in that block. A set of trials, showing different adjectives, were presented afterwards. Each trial had a duration of five seconds, in which a response was to be provided by the participant. During the trials of the encoding blocks, participants had to press the button with their left or right hand, depending on whether they believed or not the adjective on display described someone (i.e. self or other, respectively for self-reference encoding or other-reference encoding conditions). During the trials of the recognition block, participants had to answer in the same way, depending on whether they believed or not the adjective had been presented before. A fixation cross was always presented between trials, whose duration was jittered between 0.3 seconds and 0.5 seconds. A rest period was introduced between encoding and recognition phases, whose duration was also jittered between ten and fourteen seconds. Long intervals between these two phases, i.e. longer than ten seconds, ensured the measurement of long-term memory processes during the recognition phase, at the age range of the cohort (Newell et al., 1972, Ericsson et al., 1995). Fixation-cross periods of three and fifteen seconds were also introduced in the beginning and end of each run, respectively. Lastly, all adjectives were presented in the lexical form according to the gender of the participant. There were also two sets of adjectives. One set was presented as new adjectives during the recognition phase and the other set for all remaining conditions of both phases.

To avoid cognitive bias across the cohort, sets were switched for the other half of the participants. Plus, adjectives never repeated across runs but their sequence was fixed for the same runs and across participants from the same set. Yet, pseudo-randomization of the trials for the recognition phase was pre-determined by the authors of the original study, according to their category (i.e. self-reference recognition, other-reference recognition or new), such that no more than three consecutive trials of the same category were presented within a block.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Self




Judging with overt response whether a certain adjective, displayed on the screen, qualifies someone else


Judge with overt response whether or not a certain adjective, displayed on the screen, qualifies oneself


Presentation of a question related to the succeeding block


Successful recognition with an overt response of an adjective, displayed on the screen, as having been already presented during one “other-reference encoding” trial of the preceding encoding phase


Successful recognition with an overt response of an adjective, displayed on the screen, as having been already presented during one “self-reference encoding” trial of the preceding encoding phase

Contrasts for Self




identification of a new adjective


encoding of adjectives processed with other-reference


encoding of adjectives processed with self-reference


self-reference effect


erroneous response


read instruction in form of a question


recognition of adjectives previously displayed


recognition of an adjective previously displayed


recognition of adjectives previously displayed with other-reference


memory retrieval of encoded information with self-reference


recognition of adjectives previously displayed with self-reference


action_perception language_processing audiovisual_perception language_comprehension speech_processing


  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 2.7)

  • Audio device: MagnaCoil (Magnacoustics)

The Bang task was adapted from the study (Campbell et al., 2015), dedicated to investigate aging effects on neural responsiveness during naturalistic viewing. The task relies on watching - viewing and listening - of an edited version of the episode “Bang! You’re Dead” from the TV series “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”. The original black-and-white, 25-minute episode was condensed to seven minutes and fifty five seconds while preserving its narrative. The plot of the final movie includes scenes with characters talking to each other as well as scenes with no verbal communication. This task was performed during a single run in one unique session. Participants were never informed of the title of the movie before the end of the session. Ten seconds of acquisition were added at the end of the run. The total duration of the run was thus eight minutes and five seconds.

Note: We used the MagnaCoil (Magnacoustics) audio device for all subjects except for subject-08, for whom we employed MRConfon MKII.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Bang




Watch contiguous scenes with no speech


Speech: watch contiguous scenes of speech. No speech: watch contiguous scenes with no speech

Contrasts for Bang




non-speech section in movie watching


speech sections in movie watching


speech vs. non-speech sections in movie watching



  • Software: Python 2.7

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

  • See demo

The Clips battery stands for an adaptation of (Nishimoto et al., 2011), in which participants were to visualize naturalistic scenes edited as video clips of ten and a half minutes each. Each run was always dedicated to the data collection of one video clip at a time. As in the original study, runs were grouped in two tasks pertaining to the acquisition of training data and test data, respectively. Scenes from training-clips (ClipsTrn) task were shown only once. Contrariwise, scenes from the test-clips (ClipsVal) task were composed of approximately one-minute-long excerpts extracted from the clips presented during training. Excerpts were concatenated to construct the sequence of every ClipsVal run; each sequence was predetermined by randomly permuting many excerpts that were repeated ten times each across all runs. The same randomized sequences, employed across ClipsVal runs, were used to collect data from all participants.

There were twelve and nine runs dedicated to the collection of the ClipsTrn and ClipsVal tasks, respectively. Data from nine runs of each task were interspersedly acquired in three full sessions; the three remaining runs devoted to train-data collection were acquired in half of one last session, before the Retinotopy tasks. To assure the same topographic reference of the visual field for all participants, a colored fixation point was always presented at the center of the images. Such point was changing three times per second to ensure that it was visible regardless the color of the movie. Ten and twenty extra seconds of acquisition were respectively added at the beginning and end of every run. The total duration of each run was thus ten minutes and fifty seconds. Note that images from the test-clips task (ClipsVal) were presented three times to each participant. More precisely, in a given session, three test runs showing the same images were acquired, with the order of images varying between runs. Regardless of the session, one can find the order of images on our GitHub repository for the first, second and third test-clips runs. Lastly, the order of images for the training-clips is the same in all training runs and can be found on our GitHub repository.


upper-right_vision upper-left_vision lower-left_vision lower-right_vision visual_color_discrimination


  • Software: Psychopy (Python 2.7)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The Retinotopy protocols on IBC include classic retinotopic paradigms, namely the Wedge and the Ring tasks. Within the Wedge protocol, the Wedge Clock task consists of visual stimuli of a slowly rotating clockwise checkerboard. The phase of the periodic response at the rotation frequency, measured at each voxel, corresponds to the assessment of perimetric parameters related to the polar angle (Sereno et al., 1995). Under IBC, two runs were dedicated to this task (one run for each phase-encoding direction). Each run was five-and-a-half minutes long. They were programmed for the same session following the last three training-data runs of the Clips task. Similarly to the Clips task, a point was displayed at the center of the visual stimulus in order to keep constant the perimetric origin in all participants. Participants were thus to fixate continuously this point whose color flickered between red, green, blue and yellow throughout the entire run. To keep the participants engaged in the task, they were instructed that after each run, they would be asked which color had most often been presented. Additionally, ten seconds of a non-flickering, red fixation cross were displayed at the end of every run.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for WedgeClock




Visual representation in the left half-plane of the visual field delimited by its vertical meridian


Visual representation in the lower-left quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


Visual representation in the lower half-plane of the visual field delimited by its horizontal meridian


Visual representation in the lower-right quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


Visual representation in the right half-plane of the visual field delimited by its vertical meridian


Visual representation in the upper-left quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


Visual representation in the upper half-plane of the visual field delimited by its horizontal meridian


Visual representation in the upper-right quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians

Contrasts for WedgeClock




visual representation in the left half-plane of the visual field delimited by its vertical meridian


visual representation in the lower-left quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


visual representation in the lower half-plane of the visual field delimited by its horizontal meridian


visual representation in the lower-right quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


visual representation in the right half-plane of the visual field delimited by its vertical meridian


visual representation in the upper-left quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


visual representation in the upper half-plane of the visual field delimited by its horizontal meridian


visual representation in the upper-right quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


upper-right_vision upper-left_vision lower-left_vision lower-right_vision visual_color_discrimination


  • Software: Psychopy (Python 2.7)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The Retinotopy protocols on IBC include classic retinotopic paradigms, namely the Wedge and the Ring tasks. Within the Wedge protocol, the Wedge Anticlock task consists of visual stimuli of a slowly rotating counterclockwise checkerboard. The phase of the periodic response at the rotation frequency, measured at each voxel, corresponds to the assessment of perimetric parameters related to the polar angle (Sereno et al., 1995). Under IBC, two runs were dedicated to this task (one run for each phase-encoding direction). Each run was five-and-a-half minutes long. A point was displayed at the center of the visual stimulus in order to keep constant the perimetric origin in all participants. Participants were thus to fixate continuously this point whose color flickered between red, green, blue and yellow throughout the entire run. To keep the participants engaged in the task, they were instructed that after each run, they would be asked which color had most often been presented. Additionally, ten seconds of a non-flickering, red fixation cross were displayed at the end of every run.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for WedgeAnti




Visual representation in the left half-plane of the visual field delimited by its vertical meridian


Visual representation in the lower-left quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


Visual representation in the lower half-plane of the visual field delimited by its horizontal meridian


Visual representation in the lower-right quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


Visual representation in the right half-plane of the visual field delimited by its vertical meridian


Visual representation in the upper-left quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


Visual representation in the upper half-plane of the visual field delimited by its horizontal meridian


Visual representation in the upper-right quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians

Contrasts for WedgeAnti




visual representation in the left half-plane of the visual field delimited by its vertical meridian


visual representation in the lower-left quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


visual representation in the lower half-plane of the visual field delimited by its horizontal meridian


visual representation in the lower-right quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


visual representation in the right half-plane of the visual field delimited by its vertical meridian


visual representation in the upper-left quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


visual representation in the upper half-plane of the visual field delimited by its horizontal meridian


visual representation in the upper-right quadrant of the visual field delimited by its vertical and horizontal meridians


mid-peripheral_vision far-peripheral_vision visual_color_discrimination foveal_vision


  • Software: Psychopy (Python 2.7)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The Retinotopy protocols on IBC include classic retinotopic paradigms, namely the Wedge and the Ring tasks. The Contracting Ring task consists of visual stimuli depicting a thick, contracting ring. The phase of the periodic response at the contraction frequency, measured at each voxel, corresponds to the assessment of the perimetric parameters related to eccentricity (Sereno et al., 1995). Under IBC, one run was dedicated to this task (ap phase-encoding direction), which was five-and-a-half minutes long. A point was displayed at the center of the visual stimulus in order to keep constant the perimetric origin in all participants. Participants were thus to fixate continuously this point whose color flickered between red, green, blue and yellow throughout the entire run. To keep the participants engaged in the task, they were instructed that after the run, they would be asked which color had most often been presented. Additionally, ten seconds of a non-flickering, red fixation cross were displayed at the end of the run.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for ContRing




Visual representation in the fovea


Visual representation in the mid-periphery of the visual field


Visual representation in the far-periphery of the visual field

Contrasts for ContRing




visual representation in the fovea


visual representation in the mid-periphery of the visual field


visual representation in the far-periphery of the visual field


mid-peripheral_vision far-peripheral_vision visual_color_discrimination foveal_vision


  • Software: Psychopy (Python 2.7)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The Retinotopy protocols on IBC include classic retinotopic paradigms, namely the Wedge and the Ring tasks. The Expanding Ring task consists of visual stimuli depicting a thick, dilating ring. The phase of the periodic response at the dilation frequency, measured at each voxel, corresponds to the assessment of the perimetric parameters related to eccentricity (Sereno et al., 1995). Under IBC, one run was dedicated to this task (pa phase-encoding direction), which was five-and-a-half minutes long. A point was displayed at the center of the visual stimulus in order to keep constant the perimetric origin in all participants. Participants were thus to fixate continuously this point whose color flickered between red, green, blue and yellow throughout the entire run. To keep the participants engaged in the task, they were instructed that after the run, they would be asked which color had most often been presented. Additionally, ten seconds of a non-flickering, red fixation cross were displayed at the end of the run.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for ExpRing




Visual representation in the fovea


Visual representation in the mid-periphery of the visual field


Visual representation in the far-periphery of the visual field

Contrasts for ExpRing




visual representation in the fovea


visual representation in the mid-periphery of the visual field


visual representation in the far-periphery of the visual field



  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 2.7)

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

The Raiders task was adapted from (Haxby et al., 2011), in which the full-length action movie Raiders of the Lost Ark was presented to the participants. The main goal of the original study was the estimation of the hyperalignment parameters that transform voxel space of functional data into feature space of brain responses, linked to the visual characteristics of the movie displayed. Similarly, herein, the movie was shown to the IBC participants in contiguous runs determined according to the chapters of the movie defined in the DVD. This task was completed in two sessions. In order to use the acquired fMRI data in train-test split and cross-validation experiments, we performed three extra-runs at the end of the second session in which the three first chapters of the movie were repeated. To account for stabilization of the BOLD signal, ten seconds of acquisition were added at the end of the run. Note: there was some lag between the onset of each run and the initiation of the stimuli (movie), which might vary between runs and subjects. This lag should probably be considered when analyzing the data. Find more details in the section Lags in Raiders movie.


language_processing language_comprehension working_memory word_maintenance inhibition

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

This task belongs to a battery of 8 different localizers that tap on a wide array of cognitive functions provided to us by the Labex Cortex group at the University of Lyon. Originally described in (Perrone-Bertolotti et al., 2012), this task focuses on silent reading. During the task, participants were presented with two intermixed stories, shown word by word at a rapid rate. One of the stories was written in black (on a gray screen) and the other in white. Consecutive words with the same color formed a meaningful and simple short story in French. Participants were instructed to read the black story to report it at the end of the block, while ignoring the white one. Each block comprised 400 words, with 200 black words (attend condition) and 200 white words (ignore condition) for the two stories. The time sequence of colors within the 400 words series was randomized, so that participants could not predict whether the subsequent word was to be attended or not; however, the randomization was constrained to forbid series of more than three consecutive words with the same color. Data were acquired in two runs, and each word was presented for 100 ms, with a jittered inter-stimulus interval centered around 700 ms.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Lec2




A black word is rapidly presented and the participant must silently read it to form a short story together with the rest of black words


A white word is rapidly presented and the participant must ignore it

Contrasts for Lec2




response to attended text


response to attended vs. unattended text


response to unattended text


animacy_perception music_perception language_processing speech_processing auditory_perception

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Audio device: MagnaCoil (Magnacoustics)

This task belongs to a battery of 8 different localizers that tap on a wide array of cognitive functions provided to us by the Labex Cortex group at the University of Lyon. This task was originally described in (Perrone-Bertolotti et al., 2012) together with the Lec2 localizer. Participants listened to sounds of several categories with the instruction that three of them would be presented again at the end of the task, together with three novel sounds and that they should be able to detect previously played items. There were three speech and speech-like categories, including sentences told by a computerized voice in a language familiar to the participant (French) or unfamiliar (Suomi), and reversed speech, originally in French (the same sentences as the “French” category, played backwards). These categories were compared with nonspeech-like human sounds (coughing and yawning), music, environmental sounds, and animal sounds. Participants were instructed to close their eyes while listening to three sounds of each category, with a duration of 12s each, along with three 12 s intervals with no stimulation, serving as a baseline (Silence). Consecutive sounds were separated by a 3 s silent interval. The sequence was pseudorandom, to ensure that two sounds of the same category did not follow each other.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Audi




French voice saying the alphabet


Real-life animal sounds


Concatenated sounds of people coughing


Real-life complex environmental sounds


Other human sounds


Concatenated sounds of people laughing


Real-life complex musical sounds


French speech stimuli played in reverse


Silence, used as a baseline


French speech stimuli


Suomi speech stimuli


Concatenated sounds of people crying


Concatenated sounds of people yawning

Contrasts for Audi




listen to letters


listen to letters


listen to animals


listen to animals


listen to coughing


listen to coughing


listen to environment sounds


listen to environment sounds


listen to human sounds


listen to human sounds


listen to laugh


listen to laugh


listen to music


listen to music


listen to reversed speech


listen to reversed speech


listen to silence


listen to speech


listen to speech


listen to unknown language


listen to unknown language


listen to tears


listen to tears


listen to yawning


listen to yawning


visual_tool_recognition visual_representation visual_object_recognition oddball_detection visual_perception

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

This task belongs to a battery of 8 different localizers that tap on a wide array of cognitive functions provided to us by the Labex Cortex group at the University of Lyon. This task, described in (Vidal et al., 2010), is a visual odd-ball paradigm, in which participants were instructed to press a button (index finger) every time they see a fruit. Images of the target category and other non-target categories were rapidly presented in a pre-randomized order. Stimuli were presented for a duration of 200ms every 1000-1200ms in series of 5 pictures interleaved by 3-second pause periods during which patients could freely blink. Each non-target category was presented 50 times during the experiment, and data were acquired in two separated runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Visu




Viewing the image of an animal


Viewing a string of random characters


Viewing the image of a human face


Viewing the image of a fruit


Viewing the image of a house


Viewing a string that conforms a pseudoword


Viewing the image of a naturalistic scene


Scrambled image, used as baseline


Viewing the image of a tool

Contrasts for Visu




view an animal


view an animal


view characters


view characters


view a face image


view a face image


view a house


view a house


view a pseudoword


view a pseudoword


view a scene


view a scene


view a scrambled image


view a target object


view a tool


view a tool


language_processing visual_pseudoword_recognition visual_word_recognition semantic_processing visual_string_recognition

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • Audio device: MagnaCoil (Magnacoustics)

This task belongs to a battery of 8 different localizers that tap on a wide array of cognitive functions provided to us by the Labex Cortex group at the University of Lyon. This task, described in (Saignavong et al., 2017), was originally used to test whether brain activity can be detected in single trials with intra-cerebral EEG-fMRI recordings. During the task, participants were presented with three vertically-arranged lines, indicated by the presence of two “+” symbols at both sides, and empty space between them. For each row, a different type of verbal stimuli was presented, and the participant was instructed to make a decision depending on the type of stimuli. The top row presented words, and the decision was an animacy decision (“Is it a living entity?”). The middle row presented pseudowords, and the decision was whether the pseudoword had one or two syllables. Finally, the bottom row presented consonant strings, and participants were instructed to answer if the string was all-uppercase or all-lowercase. First option was selected by pressing with the index finger on the response box whereas second option was given with the middle finger. The trials were presented in blocks, and each block contained a sequence of 5 stimuli for each of the three conditions. The order of this conditions inside each block was randomized across blocks, but fixed for all participants. The “+” symbols for the row corresponding to the next condition turned white to indicate which condition was next. There were two runs with 6 blocks each, each block comprising 15 trials, which were presented for 2000 ms, with an inter-stimulus interval of 500 ms.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Lec1




A pseudoword in presented and the participant has to answer whether it has one or two syllables


A string of random consonants is presented and the participant has to answer if it is all-uppercase or all-lowercase


A word is presented and the participant has to decide whether it is a living entity or not

Contrasts for Lec1




read a pseudoword


read a pseudoword vs. a random string


read a random string


read a word


read a word vs. a pseudoword


read a word vs. a random string


string_maintenance visual_working_memory numerosity visual_buffer visual_attention

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task belongs to a battery of 8 different localizers that tap on a wide array of cognitive functions provided to us by the Labex Cortex group at the University of Lyon. This task, described in (Hamamé et al., 2012), aims to assess verbal working memory (the name stands for “verbal working memory” task). In this case, the participants were presented with a string of 6 characters, from where two, four or six of them can be letters (the rest are “#” symbols). After the string disappears, a single letter appears in screen. The participant had then to indicate if this single letter was part of the previously presented string. This was indicated by the participant with a 5-button response box, with one button for “yes” (index finger) and another for “no” (middle finger). The cognitive load was manipulated with the number of letters, and one condition was included where all the letters of the initial string would be the same one. Each trial commenced with the presentation of a 1500 ms fixation cross, followed by the array of characters (probe) for 1500 ms. After an intermediate period of 3000 ms, and the cue character was presented for 1500 ms. 36 trials were presented in each run. Data were acquired in two separated runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for MVEB




The subject must remember 2 characters from a presented string of different letters


The subject must remember the presented character from a string of 2 identical letters


The subject must remember 4 characters from a presented string of different letters


The subject must remember the presented character from a string of 4 identical letters


The subject must remember 6 characters from a presented string of different letters


The subject must remember the presented character from a string of 6 identical letters


Subject’s index finger response, indicating whether the letter was part of of the previously presented string

Contrasts for MVEB




maintaining two letters


maintaining two letters vs. one


maintaining one letter


maintaining four letters


maintaining four letters vs. one


maintaining one letter


maintaining six letters


maintaining six letters vs. two


maintaining six letters vs. one


maintaining one letter


respond by button pressing whether the letter currently displayed was presented before or not


visual_working_memory numerosity spatial_working_memory visual_attention

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task belongs to a battery of 8 different localizers that tap on a wide array of cognitive functions provided to us by the Labex Cortex group at the University of Lyon. This task, described in (Hamamé et al., 2012), and whose name stands for visuo-spatial working memory task, consists on a series of events in which the participant will be presented with a 4x4 grid in which two, four or six dots will appear at different positions, after that, the grid would become empty and finally a single dot would appear on it. The participant had then to indicate if this single dot was in the same position than any of the previously presented ones. This was indicated by the participant with a 5-button response box, with one button for “yes” (index finger) and another for “no” (middle finger). The cognitive load was manipulated with the number of dots, and one condition was included where one of the dots would be highlighted, signifying that was the only position to retain. Each trial commenced with the presentation of a 1500 ms fixation cross, followed by the array of dots (probe) for 1500 ms. The empty grid was presented for 3000ms, and the cue dot was presented for 1500 ms. 36 trials were presented on each run. The data were acquired in two runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for MVIS




2 positions to remember


1 position to remember because of the highlighted dot


4 positions to remember


1 position to remember because of the highlighted dot


6 positions to remember


1 position to remember because of the highlighted dot


Subject’s index finger response, indicating whether the dot was in the same position as any of the previously presented ones

Contrasts for MVIS




maintain position of two dots vs. one


maintain position of four dots vs. one


maintain position of six dots vs. two


maintain position of six dots vs. one


respond by button pressing whether the dot currently displayed share the same location as any of those shown before


maintain position of two to six dots vs. one


saccadic_eye_movement reading

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: In-house custom-made sticks featuring one-top button, each one to be used in each hand

This task belongs to a battery of 8 different localizers that tap on a wide array of cognitive functions provided to us by the Labex Cortex group at the University of Lyon. This task is a basic motor localizer for several body parts. The participants are presented with three small gray squares over a black background image. At the beginning of each block, a text prompt will appear on screen to indicate the body part that will be moved next. Afterwards, the left and right squares will turn white to indicate movement of the corresponding part. For example, for the hands condition, the participant is required to perform a small movement of the left hand when the left square turns white, and likewise for the right hand. Ten movements were prompted for each block, five for the right body part and five for the left, consecutively for each direction and always in the same order. There were two distinct blocks for each body part. For each trial, the white square was presented during 1000 ms, with 1500 ms between trials, for a total duration of 25 s per block, with a total of 12 blocks. Data were acquired in two separated runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Moto




Movement of the left index finger, indicated by a button-press


Movement of the right index finger, indicated by a button-press


Gaze fixation on the central square


Movement of the left foot


Movement of the right foot


Movement of the left hand


Movement of the right hand


Movement of the eyes to the left


Movement of the eyes to the right


Movement of the tongue to the left


Movement of the tongue to the right

Contrasts for Moto




left finger tapping vs. any movement


right finger tapping vs. any movement


move left foot vs. any movement


move right foot vs. any movement


move left hand vs. any movement


move right hand vs. any movement


read instructions


saccade vs. any movement


move tongue vs. any movement


upper-right_vision upper-left_vision visual_localization lower-left_vision visual_search

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • See demo

This task belongs to a battery of 8 different localizers that tap on a wide array of cognitive functions provided to us by the Labex Cortex group at the University of Lyon. This task described in (Ossandón et al., 2012) was originally used to study whether visual search processes of a salient target can be thought as a purely bottom-up process, or if it requires action from top-down attentional processes. The task consisted in the presentation of an array of 35 “L” letters, rotated at different angles, together with a target “T” letter (total 36 stimuli in each trial). Subjects were instructed to search for the target and indicate whether it was on the left or right side of the grid, by pressing respectively with the index or middle finger on a 5-button response box. There were two conditions: high-salience (the target is gray while the other stimuli is black) and low-salience (all stimuli are gray). The two conditions were presented alternatively in blocks, with 6 blocks of 10 trials each. Each trial was presented for 3 s with an inter-stimulus interval of 1 s. There was also a 20 s fixation cross between blocks. Data were acquired in two separated runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for MCSE




Looking for a salient letter in the left visual field


Looking for a salient letter in the right visual field


Looking for a non-salient letter in the left visual field


Looking for a non-salient letter in the right visual field

Contrasts for MCSE




looking for a high-salient symbol


looking for a salient symbol in left visual field


looking for a salient symbol in right visual field


looking for a symbol


looking for a low-salient symbol


looking for a low-salient symbol in left visual field


looking for a low-salient symbol in right visual field


looking for a symbol in left vs. right visual field


looking for a symbol in right vs. left visual field


speech_perception music_perception auditory_working_memory object_recognition language_processing


  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 3.6)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • Audio device: MagnaCoil (Magnacoustics)

This task, originally described in (Santoro et al., 2017), is an auditory localizer. During each run, the participants were presented with sounds from different categories, and were instructed to press a button with the index finger whenever two consecutive sounds were identical. From a group of 288 sounds, divided into 6 different categories, 4 sets were created. Each set contained 72 sounds of each of the categories, and each one was present only in one of the sets. Furthermore, each set was pre-randomized in 3 different orders, and the same sequences were used for all participants. On top of the 72 sounds, each run also included 5 silences and 5 repeated sounds from the original 72. In total, each run consisted of 82 trials of 2 seconds each. It is important to note that the data for this task was acquired using an interrupted acquisition sequence, to minimize the effect that scanner noise can have in the auditory processing targeted by the experiment. To this end, the inter-stimulus interval was programmed in a sequence of 4, 4, and 6 seconds, meaning that the interval between stimuli would be 4s for the first trial, 4s for the second, 6s for the third, and then the sequence repeats until the end of the run. The variability of the ISI and the silence trials avoided stimulus’ presentation to be predictable in time.

Note: We used the MagnaCoil (Magnacoustics) audio device for all subjects except for subject-08, for whom we employed Optoacoustics.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Audio




Sound of animal noises


Repetition of the previous sound


Musical sound


Naturalistic sound


No sound


Human speech sound


Sound of tool usage


Non-speech human sound

Contrasts for Audio




listen to animals


listen to animals vs. other sounds


listen to animals vs. silence


listening to sounds vs. silence


listen to music


listen to music vs. other sounds


listen to music vs. silence


listen to nature


listen to nature vs. other sounds


listen to nature vs. silence


listen to speech


listen to speech vs. other sounds


listen to speech vs. silence


listen to tool


listen to tool vs. other sounds


listen to tool vs. silence


listen to voice


listen to voice vs. other sounds


listen to voice vs. silence


selective_attention saccadic_eye_movement attentional_focusing spatial_attention


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the experiment factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning.

The Attention is a version of the classical flanker task (Eriksen and Eriksen, 1974), where the participant has to judge the direction the target flanker (an arrow) is pointing to (left/right). The target flanker is surrounded by other 4 flankers that can be congruent or incongruent with the target one, thus capturing selective attention and inhibitory processes. Two different buttons (index and middle fingers’ button, respectively) were assigned to left/right responses, and the participant had to indicate the direction of the central arrow from an horizontal group of 5 arrows. In each trial, one or two positional cues were presented above and below the center of the screen. When one cue was given, the flankers would appear centered around it, whereas when two cues where presented, the flankers would appear centered around one of them. The four flankers surrounding the target would always point to the same direction, and can be congruent or incongruent with the direction the target flanker is facing. The task was acquired in two runs, within the same session as other tasks from the battery and using different phase-encoding directions.

For the original version of this task, the authors provide a simulator, which contains the original design.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Attention




spatial cue no distractor


The stimulus is not spatially cued, so the subject doesn’t know where the arrows will be shown (both stars appear).


The stimulus is not congruent (opposite direction) with the rest of the arrows shown.


The stimulus is congruent (same direction) with the rest of the arrows shown.


The stimulus is spatially cued, so the subject knows where the arrows will be shown (only one star appears).


spatial cue distractor

Contrasts for Attention




no spatial cue + no distractors in the probe


cues appear in both possible location of the probe at the same time


no spatial cue + distractors in the probe


ignore distractors vs. no distractors without spatial cue


ignore distractors vs. no distractors


cued probe no distractors


cued probe


cued vs. uncued probe


cued probe with distractors in the probe


ignore distractors vs. no distractors with spatial cue


shape_perception proactive_control shape_recognition


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the experiment factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning. StopSignal task was originally used to localize activation relative to inhibition of a prominent motor response (Bissett and Logan, 2011).

Four different polygonal shapes composed the set from which one of them was presented in each trial. Two of them were assigned to the button corresponding to the index finger, and two of them to the button corresponding to the middle finger. The participants were instructed to press the correct button as fast as possible, except if a red-colored star appeared on top of the target stimulus. There were 12 practice trials followed by 123 test trials divided in 3 blocks of 41 trials each, with a resting period of 9 seconds in between blocks. During practice, feedback was provided to indicate correct and incorrect responses, as well as to indicate if the responses were too slow. No stop trials (red star) were present during practice, although the instructions pertaining the red star were presented before practice. This was to build a predominant motor response in order to better capture inhibitory processes. There was a jittered delay between the stop signal and the target stimulus in stop trials that ranged from 400 to 1000 ms. The duration of the stop signal was fixed to 500 ms, the duration of the target stimulus was 850 ms and there was a fixation cross between trials centered around 2250 ms. The task was acquired in two runs, within the same session as other tasks from the battery and using different phase-encoding directions.

For the original version of this task, the authors provide a simulator which contains the original design.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for StopSignal




Answer to the stim


Hold motor response

Contrasts for StopSignal




shape recognition


shape recognition, stopped response


response inhibition


cue_switch visual_perception


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the Experiment Factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning.

TwoByTwo protocol aimed to study the responses to task-switching and cue-switching in every trial, with the aim to asses the activity elicted by switching either or both task and cue, and how switching one affects the response to the other. It consisted of presenting colored single-digit numbers from 1 to 9, preceded by a cue string indicating which task must be performed. For each trail, the task could either be to judge if the number is greater or less than 5; or to judge whether the digit shown is colored in blue or orange. For each of the two tasks, two different strings could be used as cue: for the first, the cue could display either ‘Magnitude’ or ‘High/Low’, both strings indicating the participant must judge the quantity; for the second task, the subject could read either ‘Color’ or ‘Orange/Blue’ as cues, both strings indicating the task is to judge the color. Two different buttons (index/middle finger) were assigned to the orange/high and blue/low options, respectively. The task is composed by 16 practice trials, followed by 240 trials divided in 3 blocks of 80 trials each. The order of cue and task switching was randomized. The task was acquired in two runs, within the same session as other tasks from the battery and using different phase-encoding directions.

For the original version of this task, the authors provide a simulator, it contains a slightly different version of the task in which they switch between three different tasks instead of two.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for TwoByTwo




Appearance of the cue on screen when both the task and the cue are the same with respect to the previous trial


Appearance of the cue on screen when only the cue switches with respect of the previous trial, for example the color task is repeated but the cue changes from ‘Color’ to ‘Orange/Blue’


Appearance of the cue on screen when the task switches but the cue stays the same it was the previous trial for that task. For example, the task switches from color to number and the presented cue is the same as the previous number trial


Appearance of the cue on screen when both the task and the cue switch, for example the task goes from color to number and the cue changes from ‘Magnitude’ to ‘High/Low’ compared to the previous number trial


Appearance of the stimulus on screen when both the task and the cue are the same with respect to the previous trial


Appearance of the stimulus on screen when only the cue switches with respect of the previous trial, for example the color task is repeated but the cue changes from ‘Color’ to ‘Orange/Blue’


Appearance of the stimulus on screen when the task switches but the cue stays the same it was the previous trial for that task. For example, the task switches from color to number and the presented cue is the same as the previous number trial


Appearance of the stimulus on screen when both the task and the cue switch, for example the task goes from color to number and the cue changes from ‘Magnitude’ to ‘High/Low’ compared to the previous number trial

Contrasts for TwoByTwo




effect of cur switch


both task and cue repeats


task repeats cue switch


both task and cue switch


both task and cue switch


both task and cue repeats


task repeats cue switch


both task and cue switch


both task and cue switch


effect of task switch


selective_control incentive_salience


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the experiment factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning.

Discount is a a decision-making task, where the participant has to decide whether to take a figurative amount of 20 dollars today or a bigger amount in a set number of days. The task is composed by 1 practice trial, followed by 120 test trials divided in 2 blocks of 60 trials each. The amount of money and the number of days is different for each trial. Each trial lasts for 4 seconds. The task was acquired in two runs, within the same session as other tasks from the battery and using different phase-encoding directions.

For the original version of this task, the authors provide a simulator, it contains a slightly different version of the task in which they ask participants to choose between two different amounts on different periods, instead of the set 20-dollars-today set-up.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Discount




Effect of reward gain


Effect of reward delay

Contrasts for Discount




effect of reward gain


effect of delay on reward


shape_perception proactive_control shape_recognition


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the experiment factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning.

Similar to the StopSignal task, SelectiveStopSignal task required participants to refrain from responding if a red star appears after the target stimulus is presented. In this task, however, the red star only indicates the need to inhibit the motor response in one of the two sides (critical side), while it should be ignored for the other (noncritical side). Motor response is to be given by pressing with the index finger on the corresponding button of the response box. The task is composed by 12 practice trials, followed by 250 test trials divided in 5 blocks of 50 trials each. The task was acquired in two runs, within the same session as other tasks from the battery and using different phase-encoding directions.

For the original version of this task, the authors provide a simulator which contains the original design.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for SelectiveStopSignal




Answer to the visual stimulus (critical side)


Answer to the visual stimulus (noncritical side)


Answer regardless of the stop signal


Hold motor response

Contrasts for SelectiveStopSignal




respond with the correct finger depending on the image displayed (side instructed to stop if the stop signal appears)


inhibit the motor response


respond with the correct finger depending on the image displayed (side instructed to ignore the stop signal)


ignore stop signal vs. simply respond


respond anyway even if the stop signal appears


ignore stop signal vs. inhibit motor response


stop the response if the stop signal appears


inhibit motor response vs. ignore stop signal


conflict_detection visual_perception proactive_control


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the experiment factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning.

In this adaptation of the classic Stroop task (Stroop, 1935), the participants must press one of three buttons depending on the color of the presented word. In contrast to the classic pen and paper version of the task, the congruent and incongruent trials are intermixed. The three words/colors presented were red, green and blue, whose button presses corresponded on the response box respectively to the index, middle and ring fingers. The amount of money and the number of days is different for each trial.

For the original version of this task, the authors provide a simulator which contains the original design.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Stroop




Color and word are the same


Color and word are different

Contrasts for Stroop




word and word color are the same


word and color are not the same


conflict between automatic and instructed response


risk_processing reward_processing risk_aversion


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the experiment factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning.

The ColumbiaCards task is a gambling task in where the participants are presented with a set of cards facing down. In each trial, a different number of cards appear and the participant is informed of the amount gained per good card uncovered, the amount loss when uncovering the bad card, and the number of bad cards in the set. The participant can uncover as many cards as they want, by pressing the index finger’s button on the response box, before pressing the middle finger’s button to end the trial and start the next one. Uncovering a bad card automatically ends the trial. In each trial, the number of total cards, the number of bad cards, the amount gained per card uncovered and the amount lost if a bad card was uncovered changed. The order in which the cards is pre-determined for each trial, but the participant does not know it. The task is composed by 88 trials divided in 4 blocks of 22 trials each and was acquired in two runs, within the same session as other tasks from the battery and using different phase-encoding directions.

For the original version of this task, the authors provide a simulator which contains the original design.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for ColumbiaCards




Expected gain in gambling


Expected loss in gambling


Probability of losing in gambling

Contrasts for ColumbiaCards




expected gain


expected loss


probability of losing


proactive_control shape_recognition


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the experiment factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning.

DotPatterns task presents the participant with pairs of stimuli, separated by a fixation cross. The participant has to press a button (index finger) as fast as possible after the presentation of the probe, and only one specific combination of cue-probe is instructed to be responded to differently. This task was designed to capture activation relative to the expectancy of the probe elicited by the correct cue. The task is composed by 160 trials divided in 4 blocks of 40 trials each. Each cue and probe lasted for 500ms, with a fixation cross that separates both lasting for 2000ms. It was acquired in two runs, within the same session as other tasks from the battery and using different phase-encoding directions.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for DotPatterns




Target pair, captures expectancy after correct cue


Nontarget pair that also captures expectancy after correct cue


Look at the stimulus to provide a description of the cue


Incorrect pair. The probe is correct but the cue is not


Incorrect pair, both are incorrect

Contrasts for DotPatterns




effect of cognitive control


both cue and probe are correct (AX)


the cue is correct but the probe is not (AY)


incorrect vs. correct probe with correct cue


effect of cognitive control


attend to cue


cue is incorrect but probe is correct (BX)


both cue and probe are incorrect (BY)


effect of cognitive control


shape recognition


shape recognition


search_depth goal_hierarchy visual_perception working_memory planning


  • Software: JavaScript, Python 2.7

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

This task is a part of a battery of several tasks coming from the experiment factory published in (Eisenberg et al., 2017) and presented using expfactory-python package. The battery was used to capture several aspects of self-regulation, including behavioral inhibition, decision making and planning abilities, among others. The adjustments concerned the translation to all written stimuli and instructions into french, as well as fixing a total time limit for experimentsthat allowed the participants their own pace for responding. All these modifications were done with extreme care of not altering the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture during scanning.

WardAndAllport task is a digital version of the WATT3 task (Ward, Allport, 1997, Shallice, 1982), and its main purpose is to capture activation related to planning abilities. For this, the task uses a factorial manipulation of 2 task parameters: search depth and goal hierarchy. Search depth involves mentally constructing the steps necessary to reach the goal state, and the interdependecy between steps in order to do so. This is expressed by the presence or absence of intermediate movements necessary for an optimal solution of each problem. Goal hierarchy refers to whether the order in which the three balls have to be put in their goal positions can be completely extracted from looking at the goal state or if it requires the participant to integrate information between goal and starting states (which result in unambiguous or partially ambiguous goal states, respectively). Detailed explanations and examples of each one of the four categories can be found in Kaller et al., 2011.

The task was divided in 4 practice trials, followed by 48 test trials divided in 3 blocks of 14 trials each, separated by 10 seconds of resting period. Data was only acquired during the test trials, although the practice trials were also performed inside the scanner with its corresponding equipment. In each trial, the participant would see two configurations of the towers: the test towers on the left, and the target towers on the right. The towers of the right showed the final configuration of balls required to complete the trial. Three buttons were assigned to the left (index finger’ button), middle (middle finger’s button) and right (ring finger’s button) columns respectively, and each button press would either take the upper ball of the selected column or drop the ball in hand at the top of the selected column. On the upper left corner, a gray square with the text “Ball in hand” would show the ball currently in hand. All trials could be solved in 3 movements, considering taking a ball and putting it elsewhere as a single movement. The time between the end of one trial and the beginning of the next one was 1000 ms.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for WardAndAllport




Partially ambiguous goal state without intermediate movement


Partially ambiguous goal state with intermediate movement


Unambiguous goal state without intermediate movement


Unambiguous goal state with intermediate movement

Contrasts for WardAndAllport




effect of goal hierarchy


effect of search depth


complex goal hierarchy + simple search depth


complex goal hierarchy + complex search depth


simple goal hierarchy + simple search depth


simple goal hierarchy + complex search depth


complex goal hierarchy + simple search depth


complex goal hierarchy + complex search depth


simple goal hierarchy + simple search depth


simple goal hierarchy + complex search depth



  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 3.6)

  • Audio device: OptoACTIVE (Optoacoustics)

This experiment is a natural language comprehension protocol, originally implemented by (Bhattasali et al., 2019, Hale et al., 2022). Each run of this task comprised three chapters of The Little Prince story by Antoine de Saint-Exupery in french (Le Petit Prince). During each run, the participant was presented with the audio of the story. In between runs, the experimenters would ask some multiple choice questions, as well as two or three open ended questions about the contents of the previous run, to keep participants engaged. The length of the runs varied between nine and thirteen minutes. Data were acquired in two different sessions, each one comprising five and four runs, respectively. The protocol also included a six-minutes localizer at the end of the second acquisition, in order to accurately map language areas for each participant, see LPPLocalizer for details.

Note: We used the OptoACTIVE (Optoacoustics) audio device for all subjects except for subject-08, for whom we employed MRConfon MKII.


language_processing speech_processing sound_perception language_comprehension auditory_perception


  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 3.6)

  • Audio device: OptoACTIVE (Optoacoustics)

Le Petit Prince Localizer was included as part of the LePetitPrince task and was performed at the end of the second acquisition. It aimed to accurately map the language areas of each participant, which would later be used for further analysis. The stimuli consisted of two types of audio clips: phrases and their reversed versions. The phrases were 2-second voice recordings (audio only) of context-free sentences in French. The reversed stimuli used the same clips but played backward, making the content unintelligible. The run consisted of alternating blocks of 3 trials with phrases (French trials) and 3 trials with reversed phrases (control trials). This localizer was conducted in a single run, lasting 6 minutes and 32 seconds.

Note: We used the OptoACTIVE (Optoacoustics) audio device for all subjects except for subject-08, for whom we employed MRConfon MKII.

Contrasts for LPPLocalizer




reversed, intelligible speech


audio clips of phrases in french


audio clips of phrases in french vs. reversed, intelligible speech


visual_representation visual_orientation spatial_attention motion_detection biological_motion


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • See demo

The phenomenon known as biological motion was first introduced in (Johansson, 1973), and consisted in point-light displays arranged and moving in a way that resembled a person moving. The task that we used was originally developed by (Chang et al., 2018). During the task, the participants were shown a point-light “walker”, and they had to decide if the walker’s orientation was to the left or right, by pressing on the response box respectively on the index finger’s button or the middle finger’s button. The stimuli were divided in 6 different categories: three types of walkers, as well as their reversed versions. The division of the categories focuses on three types of information that the participant can get from the walker: global information, local information and orientation. Global information refers to the general structure of the body and the spatial relationships between its parts. Local information refers to kinematics, speed of the points and mirror-symmetric motion. Please see Chang et al., 2018 for more details about the stimuli. The data was acquired in 4 runs. Each run comprises 12 blocks with 8 trials per block. The stimulus duration was 500ms and the inter-stimulus interval 1500ms (total 16s per block). Each of the blocks was followed by a fixation block, that also lasted 16s. Each run contained 4 of the six conditions, repeated 3 times each. There were 2 different types of runs: type 1 and 2. This section refers to run type 1, which contained both global types (natural and inverted) and both local naturals. For run type 2 refer to BiologicalMotion2.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for BiologicalMotion1




Global walker, inverted upside-down


Structural information is preserved, but individual local trajectories are mirror-symmetric. Global-only in the original paper


Local natural walker, inverted along the horizontal axis


Local information is preserved, but the points are randomly shuffled along the X-axis, rendering global cues uninformative. “Local-natural” in the original experiment

Contrasts for BiologicalMotion1




effect of global information on motion perception


global reversed biological motion vs. fixation


global biological motion vs. fixation


effect of orientation on motion perception


effect of global information on motion perception


effect of orientation on motion perception


Negative effect of global information on motion perception


local reversed biological motion vs. fixation


local biological motion vs. fixation


effect of orientation on motion perception


visual_representation visual_orientation motion_detection biological_motion


  • Software: Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3), aka Psychtoolbox-3, for GNU Octave

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

The phenomenon known as biological motion was first introduced in (Johansson, 1973), and consisted in point-light displays arranged and moving in a way that resembled a person moving. The task that we used was originally developed by (Chang et al., 2018). During the task, the participants were shown a point-light “walker”, and they had to decide if the walker’s orientation was to the left or right, by pressing on the response box respectively on the index finger’s button or the middle finger’s button. The stimuli was divided in 6 different categories: three types of walkers, as well as their reversed versions. The division of the categories focuses on three types of information that the participant can get from the walker: global information, local information and orientation. Global information refers to the general structure of the body and the spatial relationships between its parts. Local information refers to kinematics, speed of the points and mirror-symmetric motion. Please see Chang et al., 2018 for more details about the stimuli. The data was acquired in 4 runs. Each run comprises 12 blocks with 8 trials per block. The stimulus duration was 500ms and the inter-stimulus interval 1500ms (total 16s per block). Each of the blocks was followed by a fixation block, that also lasted 16s. Each run contained 4 of the six conditions, repeated 3 times each. This section refers to run type 2, which contained both local naturals and both local modified.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for BiologicalMotion2




Local modified walker, inverted along the horizontal axis


Neither structural or local information is carried out by this type of walker, it uses both types of modifications used for the previous two categories. “Local modified” in the original study


Local natural walker, inverted along the horizontal axis


Local information is preserved, but the points are randomly shuffled along the X-axis, rendering global cues uninformative. “Local-natural” in the original experiment

Contrasts for BiologicalMotion2




effect of orientation on motion perception


Negative effect of local information on motion perception


no motion information reversed vs. fixation


scrambled motion information vs. fixation


effect of orientation on motion perception


effect of local information on motion perception


local reversed biological motion vs. fixation


local biological motion vs. fixation


effect of local information on motion perception


effect of orientation on motion perception


auditory_word_recognition narrative_comprehension sentence_comprehension combinatorial_semantics visual_perception


  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 3.6)

  • Response device: In-house custom-made sticks featuring one-top button, each one to be used in each hand

  • Audio device: OptoACTIVE (Optoacoustics)

  • Repository

  • See demo

The Mathematics and Language protocol was taken from (Amalric et al., 2016). This task aims to comprehensively capture the activation related with several types of mathematical and other types of facts, presented as sentences. During the task, the participants are presented a series of sentences, each one in either of two modalities: auditory or visual. Some of the categories include theory of mind statements, arithmetic facts and geometry facts. After each sentence, the participant has to indicate whether they believe the presented fact to be true or false, by respectively pressing the button in the left or right hand. A second version of each run (runs B) was generated reverting the modality for each trial, so those being visual in the original runs (runs A), would be auditory in their corresponding B version, and vice-versa. Each participant performed four A-type runs, followed three B-type runs due to time constraints. Each run had an equal number of trials of each category, and the order of the trials was the same for all subjects.

Note: We used the OptoACTIVE (Optoacoustics) audio device for all subjects except for subject-05 and subject-08, who completed the session using MRConfon MKII.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for MathLanguage




Listen to arithmetic fact


Read arithmetic fact


Listen to arithmetic principle


Read arithmetic principle


Jabberwocky sentence presented as auditory stimulus


Jabberwocky sentence presented as visual stimulus


Beep sound indicating that the following stimuli will be audio


Red cross indicating that the following stimuli will be visual


Listen to sentence


Read sentence


Listen to geometric fact


Read geometric fact


Listen to false-belief tale


Read false-belief tale


Listen to word list


Read word list

Contrasts for MathLanguage




arithmetic fact vs other maths


listen to arithmetic fact


read arithmetic fact


arithmetic principle vs other maths


listen to arithmetic principle


read to arithmetic principle


list to vs read instruction


jabberwocky vs word list


auditory jabberwocky sentence parsing


visual jabberwocky sentence parsing


cue vs language statement


cue vs false belief


audio cue


visual cue


listen to sentence vs jabberwocky


listen to sentence


read sentence


geometry vs other maths


listen to geometric fact


read geometric fact


math vs others


others vs math


false belief vs cue


false belief vs general statement


false belief and cue vs general statement


auditory false-belief tale


read false-belief tale


read vs to listen to instruction


listen to word list


read word list


spatial_memory spatial_localization visual_search navigation spatial_working_memory

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Vizard 6

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (current designs, package 932 with pyka hhsc-1x5-n4)

  • Repository

This protocol, an adaptation from the one used in (Diersch et al., 2021), was originally designed to capture the effects of spatial encoding and orientation learning in different age groups. The task demands subjects to navigate and orientate themselves in a complex virtual environment that resembled a typical German historic city center, consisting of town houses, shops and restaurant. There are three parts of this task: introduction (outside of the scanner), encoding (in scanner) and retrieval (in scanner). Before entering the scanner, the participants went through an introduction phase, during which they had the freedom to navigate the virtual environment with the objective of collecting eight red balls scattered throughout various streets of the virtual city. During this part, the participants could familiarize themselves with the different buildings and learn the location of the two target buildings: Town Hall and Church. After they collect all the red balls, a short training of the main task was performed to ensure the correct understanding of the instructions.

Then, participants went to the scanner. The task began with the encoding phase. During this period, the participant had to passively watch the camera move from one target building to the other, in such a way that every street of the virtual environment is passed through in every direction possible. Participants were instructed to pay close attention to the spatial layout of the virtual environment and the location of the target landmarks. Passive transportation instead of self-controlled traveling was chosen to ensure that every participant experienced the virtual environment for the same amount of time. After the encoding phase, the retrieval phase started, which consisted of 8 experimental trials and 4 control trials per run. In each trial, the participant was positioned near an intersection within the virtual environment, which was enveloped in a dense fog, limiting visibility. Subsequently, the camera automatically approached the intersection and centered itself. The participant’s task was to indicate the direction of the target building, which was displayed as a miniature picture at the bottom of the screen. Control and experimental trials were identical, but during control trials the participant had to point to one of the buildings of the intersection that had been colored in blue instead of the target building. All of the runs, except the first one, began with the encoding phase, followed by the retrieval phase. In the initial run, a control trial of the retrieval phase preceded the standard design of the encoding phase followed by the retrieval phase.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for SpatialNavigation




Camera approaches intersection in an control trial


Encode location of key building


Camera approaches intersection in an experimental trial


Camera approaches intersection during encoding phase


Camera navigates through the streets during encoding phase


Participant rotates camera to point to blue building in control trial


Participant rotates camera to point to key building in experimental trial

Contrasts for SpatialNavigation




spatial navigation


spatial navigation


spatial navigation


spatial navigation


spatial localization


spatial navigation


pointing a landmark


pointing a landmark


retrieving a landmark



  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 2.7)

The GoodBadUgly task was adapted from the study by (Mantini et al., 2012), which was dedicated to investigate the correspondence between monkey and human brains using naturalistic stimuli. The task relies on watching - viewing and listening - the whole movie “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” by Sergio Leone. For IBC, the French-dubbed version “Le Bon, la Brute et le Truand” was presented. The original 177-minute movie was cut into approximately 10-minute segments to match the segment length of the original study, which presented only three 10-minute segments from the middle of the movie. This resulted in a total of 18 segments (the last segment being only 4.5 minutes long). This task was performed during three acquisition sessions with seven segments each, one segment per run. The first three segments were repeated during the final acquisition after the entire movie had been completed. Note: there was some lag between the onset of each run and the initiation of the stimuli (movie), which might vary between runs and subjects. This lag should probably be considered when analyzing the data. Find more details in the section Lags in GoodBadUgly movie.


imagination visual_perception positive_emotion negative_emotion visual_cue


  • Software: Octave 4.4 + Psychtoolbox 3.0

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This task is a part of the CamCAN (Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience) battery, designed to understand how individuals can best retain cognitive abilities into old age. The adjustments concerned the translation of all stimuli and instructions into french, replacing Matlab functions with Octave functions as needed, and eliminating the use of a custom Matlab toolbox mrisync that was used to interface with the MRI Scanner (3T Siemens Prisma) over a National Instruments card. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The Emotional Memory task was designed to provide an assessment of implicit and explicit memory, and how it is affected by emotional valence. At the IBC we only conducted the encoding part of the task the Study phase as mentioned in (Shafto et al., 2014) but not the Test phase that happened outside the scanner in the original study. In each trial, participants were presented with a background picture for 2 seconds, followed by a foreground picture of an object superimposed on it. Participants were instructed to imagine a “story” linking the background and foreground picture, and after an 8-second presentation, the next trial began. The manipulation of emotional valence exclusively affected the background image, which could be negative, neutral, or positive. Participants were asked to indicate the moment they thought of a story or a connection between the object and the background image by pressing a button. In all, 120 trials were presented over 2 runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for EmoMem




Negative background image


Neutral background image


Neutral object


Positive background image

Contrasts for EmoMem




negative vs neutral image


viewing a negative image


viewing a neutral image


foreground object and imagination task


positive vs neutral image


viewing a positive image


face_perception visual_face_recognition negative_emotion emotional_expression

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • See demo

This task is a part of the CamCAN (Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience) battery, designed to understand how individuals can best retain cognitive abilities into old age. The adjustments concerned the translation of all stimuli and instructions into french, replacing Matlab functions with Octave functions as needed, and eliminating the use of a custom Matlab toolbox mrisync that was used to interface with the MRI Scanner (3T Siemens Prisma) over a National Instruments card. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The Emotion Recognition task compares brain activity when observing angry versus neutral expressions, and assesses how individuals differ in how they regulate responses to negative emotional expressions (Shafto et al., 2014). The expressions were presented on female and male faces (15 each), and each face had an angry and a neutral expression version. Emotions were presented in blocks of angry and neutral, with equal numbers of female and male faces in each block. In each trial, participants were asked to report the gender of the face by pressing the corresponding button. There were 12 blocks of each emotion and each block consisted of 5 trials. In all, 60 trials were presented in each of the 2 runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for EmoReco




Angry emotion on female face


Angry emotion on male face


Neutral emotion on female face


Neutral emotion on male face

Contrasts for EmoReco




angry face perception


angry vs neutral face perception


angry female face perception


angry male face perception


female vs male face perception


male vs female face


neutral face perception


neutral vs angry face perception


neutral female face perception


neutral male face perception


shape_perception proactive_control shape_recognition

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • See demo

This task is a part of the CamCAN (Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience) battery, designed to understand how individuals can best retain cognitive abilities into old age. The adjustments concerned the translation of all stimuli and instructions into french, replacing Matlab functions with Octave functions as needed, and eliminating the use of a custom Matlab toolbox mrisync that was used to interface with the MRI Scanner (3T Siemens Prisma) over a National Instruments card. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The StopNogo task assesses systems involved in action restraint and action cancellation by randomly interleaving Go, Stop and No-Go trials (Shafto et al., 2014). On Go trials, participants viewed a black arrow pointing left or right for 1000 ms, and indicated the direction of the arrow by pressing left/right buttons with their right hand. On Stop trials, the black arrow changed color (from black to red), after a short variable stop-signal delay. Participants were instructed that to not respond to the red arrow, so stop signal trials required canceling the initial response to the black arrow. The Stop-Signal delay varied trial-to-trial in steps of 50 ms, and a staircase procedure was used to maintain a performance level of 66% successful inhibition. Finally, in No-Go trials, the arrow was colored in red since the start of the trial (stop-signal delay of 0) and participants were required to make no response.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for StopNogo




Arrow stays black; press button corresponding to arrow direction


Arrow starts out red so do not press button


Arrow starts out black but turns red; motor response inhibited


Arrow starts out black but turns red; motor response not inhibited

Contrasts for StopNogo




shape recognition


no response


response inhibition


failed to inhibit response


shape recognition, stopped response


effect of failed inhibition


shape recognition, failed stopped response


visual_form_discrimination oddball_detection


  • Software: Octave 4.4 + Psychtoolbox 3.0

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • See demo

This task is a part of the CamCAN (Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience) battery, designed to understand how individuals can best retain cognitive abilities into old age. The adjustments concerned the translation of all stimuli and instructions into french, replacing Matlab functions with Octave functions as needed, and eliminating the use of a custom Matlab toolbox mrisync that was used to interface with the MRI Scanner (3T Siemens Prisma) over a National Instruments card. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The Catell task was used to provide a measure of neural activity underpinning fluid intelligence (Shafto et al., 2014). On each trial, participants were presented with 4 images and had to identify the “odd one out”. While some trials presented easily identifiable differences between the oddball and the other images, others were more challenging, requiring participants to detect abstract patterns to identify the oddball. Participants completed alternating blocks of easy and difficult trials, each lasting 30 seconds. In total, they performed four blocks of easy problems and four blocks of difficult problems. In each trial, a stimulus appeared on the screen and remained until the participant responded, with the block automatically ending after 30 seconds and the next block beginning immediately. Participants were encouraged to take as much time as needed and were advised to respond only when confident in their answers. This design led to variable number of trials per block among individuals, while maintaining a consistent duration for each type of problem (easy and hard).

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Catell




Easy oddball trial where the non-oddball images are similar and very different from the oddball


Difficult oddball trial where all images are similar

Contrasts for Catell




easy oddball task


hard oddball task


easy vs hard oddball task


motor_planning motor_control


  • Software: Octave 4.4 + Psychtoolbox 3.0

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • See demo

This task is a part of the CamCAN (Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience) battery, designed to understand how individuals can best retain cognitive abilities into old age. The adjustments concerned the translation of all stimuli and instructions into french, replacing Matlab functions with Octave functions as needed, and eliminating the use of a custom Matlab toolbox mrisync that was used to interface with the MRI Scanner (3T Siemens Prisma) over a National Instruments card. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The FingerTapping task studied executive control and action decisions in aging and neurodegenerative diseases (Shafto et al., 2014). Participants were presented with an image of a right hand and were instructed to press a button with one of their four right hand fingers in response to a cue. The cue was either a specified cue in which a single opaque circle indicates which finger to press, or a chosen cue in which 3 circles appeared opaque indicating participants must choose on of the 3 opaque fingers to press. Cues were presented for 1 second with a stimulus onset asynchrony of 2.5 seconds, and were pseudorandomly ordered so that participants did not see four or more responses of the same condition (action selection, specified or null) in a row. The task included 40 specified trials (10 for each finger) and 40 chosen trials, interspersed with 40 blank trials in which no cue is presented.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for FingerTapping




Participant chooses 1 out of 3 highlighted fingers to tap


No finger tap


Finger to tap is highlighted

Contrasts for FingerTapping




uncued finger tapping


uncued vs inhibited finger tapping


uncued vs cued finger tapping


inhibited finger tapping


cued finger tapping


cued vs inhibited finger tapping


spatial_working_memory visual_attention


  • Software: Octave 4.4 + Psychtoolbox 3.0

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • See demo

This task is a part of the CamCAN (Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience) battery, designed to understand how individuals can best retain cognitive abilities into old age. The adjustments concerned the translation of all stimuli and instructions into french, replacing Matlab functions with Octave functions as needed, and eliminating the use of a custom Matlab toolbox mrisync that was used to interface with the MRI Scanner (3T Siemens Prisma) over a National Instruments card. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The Visual Short-Term Memory task was designed to assess the neural process underlying visual short-term memory. In each trial, participants saw three arrays of colored dots: one red, one yellow, and one blue. The dot displays were presented in rapid succession beginning with a 250 ms fixation period followed by a 500 ms presentation of the dot display. To manipulate set size, one, two, or three of the dot displays moved in a single direction, which had to be remembered. The remaining displays rotated around a central axis and served as distractors, which had to be ignored. After the presentation of the third display, an 8-second delay followed, during which participants had to remember the direction(s) of motion for the non-rotating dots. Subsequently, the probe display appeared, with a colored circle indicating which dot display to recall (red, yellow, or blue). Within the circle, there was a pointer that had to be adjusted to indicate the direction in which the target dot display had been moving. Participants were given 5 seconds to adjust the pointer to match the direction of the to-be-remembered dot display. On 90% of trials the probed movements were in one of three directions: 7, 127, or 247 degrees.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for VSTMC




Response period of stim_load1 trials


Response period of stim_load2 trials


Response period of stim_load3 trials


Dots in only one colour move coherently in a given direction


Dots in two colours move coherently in two different directions


Dots in all three colours move coherently in 3 different directions

Contrasts for VSTMC




response to motion


response to motion direction of one set of points


response to motion direction of two sets of points


response to motion direction of three sets of points


difference in response to one vs three sets of points


attending to sets of points


attending to one set of points


attending to two sets of points


attending to three set of points


difference in attending to motion of one vs three sets of points


risk_processing upper-right_vision cue_switch repetition reward_processing


  • Software: Psychopy 2021.1.3 (Python 3.8.5)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • Repository

  • See demo

The Reward Processing protocol was adapted from O’Doherty et al., 2001 and O’Doherty et al., 2003, which aimed at discerning the role of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) using a similar emotion-related visual reversal-learning task in which choice of the correct stimulus led to a probabistically determined “monetary” reward and choice of the incorrect stimulus led to a monetary loss.

In each trial of a run of this protocol, two unfamiliar and easily discriminable fractal patterns were displayed on a gray background, positioned to the left and right of a central fixation cross. At the beginning of the task, one of these two patterns was arbitrarily designated as “correct” and the other as “incorrect”. The task for the participants was to select one of these two patterns. Selecting the correct pattern led to a monetary gain with a 70% probability, and a monetary loss with a 30% probability. Selecting the incorrect pattern led to a monetary gain with a 30% probability and a monetary loss with a 70% probability (reversed gain-loss probability contingencies). After selecting either pattern, a black box appeared around the chosen pattern, followed by feedback indicating the amount of symbolic money (either 20 or 10 units) that was gained or lost in the particular trial which could be either 20 or 10 units. The probability of receiving either 10 or 20 units of money was equal. Furthermore, if the participant consecutively selected the correct pattern for a specified criterion, i.e. 5 consecutive times, a reversal of the gain-loss probability contingencies occurred after a Poisson process. This meant that there was a 25% probability that a reversal took place in the gain-loss probabilities on any post-criterion trial.

The data was acquired in 2 runs during one scanning session. Each run comprised 85 trials. he timing of trial events in the IBC implementation of the task differed from those in the two aforementioned studies. This adjustment was made after a discussion with the authors, who believed that the timing in the final IBC-implementation version was more appropriate for achieving adequately separated events to minimize temporal correlations while maintaining a reasonable total trial length. Specifically, the pre-fixation cross was displayed for a duration ranging from 500 to 1500 ms. The stimuli remained on the screen for less than 3000 ms for participant selection, and the outcome feedback was presented with a 1750 ms delay, lasting for 1750 ms.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for RewProc




Subject selected the green pattern


Selected pattern was in the left side of the screen


Lost 10 units of reward as a result of the selection


Lost 20 units of reward as a result of the selection


Gained 10 units of reward as a result of the selection


Gained 20 units of reward as a result of the selection


Subject selected the purple pattern


Selected pattern was in the right side of the screen


Selected pattern was the same as the one selected in previous trial


Selected pattern was different from the one selected in previous trial

Contrasts for RewProc




gained 20 or 10 units of reward


gained vs lost 20 or 10 units of reward


green vs purple pattern selected


selected pattern on the left vs right side


lost 20 or 10 units of reward


lost vs gained 20 or 10 units of reward


lost 10 units of reward


lost 20 units of reward


gained 10 units of reward


gained 20 units of reward


purple vs green pattern selected


selected pattern on the right vs left side


selected the same pattern than previous trial


selected the same vs different pattern


appearance of the cue images


selected a different pattern than previous trial


selected a different vs same pattern


risk_processing reward_processing loss_aversion decision_making risk_aversion


  • Software: Psychtoolbox-3 (Octave 5.2.0)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • Repository

  • See demo

This protocol is more commonly know as the mixed gambles task and was adapted from the Neuroimaging Analysis Replication and Prediction Study (NARPS) (Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2019) study, that aimed to estimate the variability of neuroscientific results across analysis teams. The mixed gambles task though, is originally from (Tom et al., 2007) that studied the neural basis of loss aversion, which is the phenomenon that suggests that people tend to be more sensitive to losses as compared to equal-sized gains. The study therefore, investigated whether potential losses elicit negative emotions, which then drive loss aversion or rather the same neural systems, encoding subjective value, asymmetrically respond to losses compared to gains.

In each trial, participants were presented with a mixed gamble where they had a 50% chance of either gaining one amount of symbolic money or losing another amount. The possible gains and losses both ranged between 5-20 units (equal range condition), in increments of 1 unit and all 256 possible combinations of gains and losses were presented to each subject in the same sequence. The stimulus consisted of a circle presented on a gray screen and divided into two halves: on one side the gain amount was presented in green with a plus (+) sign before the number, and on the other side the loss amount was presented in red with a minus (-) sign before the number. Subjects were then asked to decide whether or not they would like to accept the gambles presented to them, with four possible responses for each gamble: strongly accept, weakly accept, weakly reject or strongly reject. :raw-html:`<br />`The data was acquired in four runs during one scanning session. Each run comprised 64 trials. The gamble was presented on the screen until the participant responded or four seconds have passed, followed by a grey screen until the onset of the next trial. In the aforementioned NARPS study, the same amount of data was also acquired for an equal indifference condition where the possible gains ranged between 10-40 units while losses ranged between 5-20 units. This was not done for the IBC implementation, as no significant differences were observed between the two task designs in the NARPS study.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for NARPS




Significant parametric increase in BOLD signal to increasing potential gains


Significant parametric decrease in BOLD signal to increasing potential losses


Mixed gamble stimulus with given units of potential gain and loss (amounts could vary between 5-20)


Subject accepted the gamble with high confidence


Subject rejected the gamble with high confidence


Subject accepted the gamble with low confidence


Subject rejected the gamble with low confidence

Contrasts for NARPS




gambles accepted vs gambles rejected


potential gains during stim events


potential losses during stim events


gambles rejected vs gambles accepted


accept the gamble with high confidence


reject the gamble with high confidence


accept the gamble with low confidence


reject the gamble with low confidence


place_maintenance string_maintenance visual_working_memory body_maintenance visual_letter_recognition


  • Software: Psychtoolbox-3 (Octave 5.2.0)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • Repository

  • See demo

This protocol was adapted from (Stigliani A 2015), where it was used to define category-selective cortical regions that respond preferentially to different categories. A detailed description and code for the original protocol is available here. In the IBC implementation, participants were presented with images of the following categories: faces, places, bodies, objects and characters. Each of the five stimulus categories was associated with two related subcategories with 144 images per subcategory, see conditions table. The protocol used a mini-block design in which 12 stimuli of the same subcategory were presented in each block. The sequence of the blocks was randomized over the ten subcategories and a blank baseline condition, and each subject was presented with the same sequence. To ensure that the subjects remained alert throughout the experiment, they were asked to press a button when an image is repeated as a mirrored image (flipped 1-back task). Data were acquired in four runs during one scanning session. Every run comprised 76 blocks, with each block containing 12 images displayed for a total duration of 6 seconds (500 ms per image).

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for FaceBody




Images of body parts (category) with full bodies without faces (subcategory)


Images of body parts (category) with just limbs (subcategory)


Images of printed characters (category) with just numbers (subcategory)


Images of printed characters (category) with just words (subcategory)


Images of faces (category) of adults (subcategory)


Images of faces (category) of children (subcategory)


Images of objects (category) with just cars (subcategory)


Images of objects (category) with just musical instruments (subcategory)


Images of places (category) with just corridors (subcategory)


Images of places (category) with just houses (subcategory)

Contrasts for FaceBody




body image 1-back task vs. rest of categories


body image 1-back task vs. fixation


limb image 1-back task vs. fixation


character images 1-back vs. rest of categories


character images 1-back vs fixation


words images 1-back vs fixation


face image 1-back task vs. rest of categories


adult face image 1-back task vs. fixation


child face image 1-back task vs. fixation


object image 1-back task vs. rest of categories


object image 1-back task vs. fixation


object image 1-back task vs. fixation


place image 1-back task vs. rest of categories


place image 1-back task vs. fixation


place image 1-back task vs. fixation


upper-right_vision upper-left_vision oddball_detection lower-left_vision visual_scene_perception

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • See demo

This protocol was adapted from (Douglas et al., 2017) and was designed to identify how the brain combines spatial elements to form a coherent percept. To this end, participants judged whether Escher-like scenes were possible or impossible. 56 scenes were designed so that they appeared spatially incoherent when viewed from a particular angle, and were termed impossible scenes. Possible counterparts were created to each impossible scene, and these were termed possible scenes. For comparison, baseline non-scene images were created by scrambling the scenes and matched for low-level visual properties. A partially transparent circle was overlaid at a pseudo-random location on each of the scrambled scenes, such that half of these dots were found on the left and half on the right of the baseline scrambled images. On these scrambled image dot trials, participants indicated the left/right location of the dot. There were easy and hard versions that depended on the transparency of the overlaid circle. The data were acquired in four runs during one scanning session.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Scene




More opaque dot on left


More opaque dot on right


More transparent dot on left


More transparent dot on right


Impossible scene trial that the subject identified correctly


Impossible scene trial that the subject identified incorrectly


Possible scene trial that the subject identified correctly


Possible scene trial that the subject identified incorrectly

Contrasts for Scene




looking for a salience dot in left visual field


looking for a salience dot in right visual field


looking for low-salience vs high-salience dot


looking for a low-salience dot in left visual field


looking for a low-salience dot in right visual field


looking for a dot in left vs right visual field


assessing scenes vs detecting a dot


successful identification of an impossible scene


failed identification an impossible scene


successful identification of an possible scene


successful identification of an possible vs impossible scene


self_monitoring breath_holding

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This task was a part of the Function Biomedical Informatics Research Network (FBIRN) (Keator et al., 2016) battery of protocols designed to, among other goals, assess the major sources of variation in fMRI studies conducted across scanners, including instrumentation, acquisition protocols, challenge tasks, and analysis methods. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The BreathHolding task was designed to measure vascular response. In a block design, the participant alternated between breathing normally for 20 s and holding their breath for 16 s. They were given a warning 2 s before the hold breath signal was given, so they could prepare to hold their breath. This cycle was repeated 10 times. No response was required in this task.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for BreathHolding




Breathe normally


Prepare to hold breath


Hold breath

Contrasts for BreathHolding




breathe normally


breathe normally vs hold breath


hold breath vs breathe normally


hold breath


visual_perception preattentive_processing central_fixation

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This task was a part of the Function Biomedical Informatics Research Network (FBIRN) (Keator et al., 2016) battery of protocols designed to, among other goals, assess the major sources of variation in fMRI studies conducted across scanners, including instrumentation, acquisition protocols, challenge tasks, and analysis methods. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The Checkerboard task is a block design sensorimotor task with alternating 16s long blocks of rest and visual stimulation with a checkerboard stimulus. In the checkerboard block, a checkerboard filling the visual field was presented for a period of 200 ms at random intervals (avg. ISI=762 ms, range: 500-1000 ms), and the subject pressed a button each time the checkerboard appeared on screen. The run starts and ends with fixation blocks, and 11 blocks of checkerboard stimulation are presented.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Checkerboard




Checkerboard block


Fixation block

Contrasts for Checkerboard






checkerboard vs baseline


period in between checkerboards


preattentive_processing central_fixation

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This task was a part of the Function Biomedical Informatics Research Network (FBIRN) (Keator et al., 2016) battery of protocols designed to, among other goals, assess the major sources of variation in fMRI studies conducted across scanners, including instrumentation, acquisition protocols, challenge tasks, and analysis methods. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The FingerTap task is a block design reaction time task in which subjects press one of the four keypad buttons when they see a corresponding visual cue (‘1’ for button1, ‘2’ for button2 and so on). The stimuli appear at 1 s intervals and subjects get 2 s to make their response. The run starts and ends with task blocks, with 4 task blocks per run and 64 trials per task block. The task blocks are interleaved with rest blocks lasting 15 s.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for FingerTap




Press button corresponding to visual stimulus


Rest block

Contrasts for FingerTap




button press in response to a cue


button press vs rest


rest period


numerosity spatial_working_memory visual_attention visual_number_recognition

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: E-Prime 2.0 Professional (Psychological Software Tools, Inc.)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • See demo

This task was a part of the Function Biomedical Informatics Research Network (FBIRN) (Keator et al., 2016) battery of protocols designed to, among other goals, assess the major sources of variation in fMRI studies conducted across scanners, including instrumentation, acquisition protocols, challenge tasks, and analysis methods. All modifications were done taking care to not alter the psychological state that the original tasks were designed to capture. The Item Recognition task is a working memory (WM) task with load 1, 3 and 5. There were four conditions in this task; on three of them, participants were shown series of either one, three or five targets (digits), displayed in red, and were asked to memorize them. They were then presented with probes (also digits) displayed in green, and were required to indicate whether the probe matched one of the targets or not. In the fourth condition, participants were shown a series of arrows and were asked to indicate the direction of the arrows (left or right). This task followed a block-design format with 2 blocks for each of the 3 working memory conditions, along with 2 blocks for the arrow condition.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for ItemRecognition




Leftward pointing arrow


Rightward pointing arrow


Encode digit of load 1 blocks


Encode digit of load 3 blocks


Encode digit of load 5 blocks


Instruction signaling start of load 1 blocks


Instruction signaling start of load 3 blocks


Instruction signaling start of load 5 blocks


Probe digit that was encoded at the start of load 1 blocks


Probe digit that is new for load 1 blocks


Probe digit that was encoded at the start of load 3 blocks


Probe digit that is new for load 3 blocks


Probe digit that was encoded at the start of load 5 blocks


Probe digit that is new for load 5 blocks

Contrasts for ItemRecognition




leftward pointing arrow


identifying a left vs right pointing arrow


rightward pointing arrow


encoding 1 3 and 5 items


memorize 1 digit


memorize 3 digits


memorize 5 digits


encoding 5 vs 1 item


probing digits vs trials of pointing arrows


probe encoded digit from load 1


probe new digit from load 1


probe encoded digit from load 3


probe new digit from load 3


probe encoded digit from load 5


probing an encoded digit in a load of 5 vs 1


probe new digit from load 5


probing a new digit in a load 5 vs 1


visual_working_memory visual_form_discrimination visual_search visual_pattern_recognition visual_attention


  • Software: Expyriment 0.10.0 (Python 3.8.5)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • Repository

  • See demo

The Visual search, Working memory protocol was adapted from (Kuo BC et al., 2016). It aimed to elaborate the neurophysiological mechanism underlying the spatially specific activation of sensory codes while searching for a visual or remembered target. A set of eight stimuli items was selected from a set of 100 novel and difficult to verbalize closed shape contours previously developed by (Endo N et al. 2003) in the original as well as in the IBC implementation of the study. Each run of the protocol involved two kinds of trials - visual search and working memory search. In visual search trials, the participants were first shown an abstract item (sample item) and then they had to search for that item in a set of two or four items (search array). In the working memory search trials, the participants were first shown a set of two or four items (memory array) and then they had to tell whether a subsequently shown item (probe item) was present in the previously shown set of items. Thus, in addition to the type of search (visual or working memory) and search response (target present or absent), the array load (two or four items) was also varied in each trial.

The data was acquired in four runs during one scanning session. Each run comprised forty-eight trials. In the original study, the participants also performed a separate session for a visual localizer task, where they viewed the stimuli passively without making any responses. This session was excluded from the IBC implementation of the protocol. Furthermore, the response period was also increased from 1000 msec to 2000 msec and the stimuli size from 1.72 to 1.80 degrees of visual angle, following the feedback from the pilot sessions. Apart from these changes, the rest of the task design was similar to that of the original study.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for VisualSearch




Delay period between sample item and search array in visual search trials


Delay period between memory array and probe item in working memory trials


Array of four items, with or without the item to search for (probe item) - in working memory trials


Array of two items, with or without the item to search for (probe item) - in working memory trials


Item to search for but was absent in memory array of four items - in working memory trials


Item to search for and was present in memory array of four items - in working memory trials


Item to search for but was absent in memory array of two items - in working memory trials


Item to search for and was present in memory array of two items - in working memory trials


Subject responded correctly


Subject responded incorrectly


Item to search for in an array of two or four items (search array) - in visual search trials


Array of four items, without sample item - in visual search trials


Array of four items, with sample item - in visual search trials


Array of two items, without sample item - in visual search trials


Array of two items, with sample item - in visual search trials

Contrasts for VisualSearch




delay period on visual search


delay period on visual search vs on working memory


delay period on working memory


array of four items with or without the item to search for


array of two items with or without the item to search for


probing an item absent or present


probing an absent item from array of two or four


probing an absent vs present item


probing an absent or present item from array of four


probing an item from an array of four vs two


probing an absent item from array of four


probing a present item from array of four


probing a present item from array of two or four


probing an absent or present item from array of two


probing an absent item from array of four


probing a present item from array of four


subject’s correct response


subject’s incorrect response


item to search for in an array of two or four items


array of items four or two


array of two or four items without sample item


array of items without vs with sample item


array of four items with or without the sample item


array of four vs two items


array of four items without sample item


array of four items with sample item


array of two or four items with sample item


array of two items with or without the sample item


array of two items without the sample item


array of two items with the sample item



  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 2.7)

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

The movie-watching task Monkey Kingdom (Au royaume des singes in french) was adapted from a study done in Wim Vanduffel’s Laboratory for Neuro- and Psychophysiology at the University of Leuven, Belgium. This task was dedicated to investigate correspondence between monkey and human brains using naturalistic stimuli. The task consisted on watching - viewing and listening - the whole Disney movie “Monkey Kingdom”. The original 81-minute movie was cut into 15-minute segments, resulting in a total of 5 segments, each one presented in a separated run. The acquisition of the 5 runs was completed in one session. Note: there was some lag between the onset of each run and the initiation of the stimuli (movie), which might vary between runs and subjects. This lag should probably be considered when analyzing the data. Find more details in the section Lags in MonkeyKingdom movie.


color_perception working_memory


  • Software: Psychopy 2021.1.3 (Python 3.8.5)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • Repository

This protocol was adapted from (McKeefry et al., 1997), that aimed at investigating the position and variability of the color center in the human brain. This protocol used a mini-block design, in which each run consisted of two types of blocks: chromatic and achromatic. The chromatic stimuli consisted of Mondrian patterns: abstract images with no recognizable objects, each image composed of 20 circular blobs of different isoluminant colors. The achromatic stimuli consisted of gray-scaled versions of the described Mondrian patterns. In each block, 12 images of the same type (chromatic or achromatic) were presented. Each block was followed by an inter-block fixation cross that stayed in screen for 5 seconds. Both conditions were equally represented in each run and the same randomized sequence was presented to each subject. To ensure that the subjects remained alert throughout the experiment, they were asked to press a button when an image repeated (1-back task). The data was acquired in four runs during one scanning session. Each run had 36 blocks. The images presented were 16 x 16 degrees of visual angle.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Color




Achromatic Mondrian patterns


Chromatic Mondrian patterns


Subject’s response to 1-back task i.e. when the same color pattern was presented twice consecutively

Contrasts for Color




attending to achromatic mondrian patterns


attending to chromatic mondrian patterns


chromatic vs achromatic mondrian patterns


response to repeated mondrian patterns


visual_awareness upper-left_vision visual_localization coherent_motion lower-left_vision


  • Software: Psychopy 2021.1.3. (Python 3.8.5)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • Repository

This protocol was adapted from (Helfrich et al., 2013), that aimed at delineating areas of the visual cortex that responded to coherent motion under controlled attention and fixation. In this protocol, the stimulus was composed of a rectangular random dot pattern with white dots on a dark background. Each run consisted of trials with three different conditions: stationary, coherent motion and incoherent motion. In the coherent motion condition, all dots moved in the same direction, while in the incoherent motion condition, the dots moved independently in various directions. For the two motion conditions, the direction of motion changed every 2 seconds in steps of 60 degrees. Consequently, the coherent motion condition was further divided into two types: motion direction changing clockwise and motion direction changing counter-clockwise. Additionally, during the stationary condition (baseline), a static random dot pattern was presented with a limited lifetime of 1000 ms. Apart from the motion conditions, the field of presentation of the stimuli also varied during the experiment. Some stimuli within a run were presented only on the right side, others only on the left side and some on full screen. The stimuli were extended to 40 degrees in the horizontal and 20 degrees in the vertical direction. The central visual area of 3 x 3 degrees was not stimulated. Each dot (including the fixation dot) moved at 6 degrees/sec. During all the runs the subjects were asked fixate on the central fixation point, which changed colors at a rate of 2 Hz. The colors were randomly selected from six options: red, yellow, blue, green, magenta and white. To ensure that the subjects remained alert throughout the experiment, they were asked to press a button when this fixation point turned blue. The conditions were counterbalanced and were presented in the same randomized sequence to each subject. The randomized sequence of the changing colors of the fixation point was also the same for each subject. Data were acquired in four runs during one scanning session. Each run consisted of 32 trials, and each trial was followed by an inter-trial fixation cross that stayed on the screen for 2 seconds.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Motion




Trials with direction of coherent motion changing in the anti-clockwise direction


Trials with direction of coherent motion changing in the clockwise direction


Motion condition when dots were moving coherently in the same direction


Motion condition when dots were moving incoherently in random directions


Trials where dot pattern was presented only in the left visual field


Trials where dot pattern was presented only in the right visual field


Motion condition when dots stayed stationary but each dot was respawned in a different location after 1 sec

Contrasts for Motion




anti-clockwise motion


motion in clockwise direction


clockwise vs anti-clockwise motion


dots moving coherently


dots moving coherently vs coherently


dots moving coherently vs staying stationary


dots moving incoherently


dots moving incoherently vs staying stationary


dot pattern in left vs right visual field


fixation point turning blue


stationary dots appearing in different locations


self-reference_effect emotional_memory episodic_simulation future_time episodic_future_thinking


  • Software: Psychopy 2021.1.3. (Python 3.8.5)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • Repository

This protocol was adapted from (Sharot et al. 2007), that aimed at examining the neurobiological basis of optimism. Subjects were presented with a series of events as text that described a life episode along with the word past or future. This cue indicated that subjects had to think of the given event as if it had occurred in the past or might occur in the future. They were instructed to press a button once the memory or projection had begun to form in their mind. They then had to rate the memory or projection based on how emotionally arousing it was (very, a little, or not at all) and judge its valence (whether it was negative or positive). Each event was displayed for 14 seconds on the screen, and they had 2 seconds for each rating task (emotional arousal and valence). In the original study, 80 unique events were presented over 4 runs, whereas for IBC we added a fifth run where the events were picked randomly out of the given 80 and the past and future contingencies were reversed. Each run was 10 minutes long. Trials were labeled based on the ratings received from the subjects: those with high (“very”) or medium (“a little”) arousal ratings and negative valence were labeled negative, while those with high or medium arousal ratings and positive valence were labeled positive. In case of other combinations, trials were labeled neutral and in absence of either or both responses they were labeled inconclusive.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for OptimismBias




Future, negative valence and very or a little arousing event


Future, negative or positive valence and not at all arousing event


Future, positive valence and very or a little arousing event


Absence of either or both responses


Past, negative valence and very or a little arousing event


Past, negative or positive valence and not at all arousing event


Past, positive valence and very or a little arousing event

Contrasts for OptimismBias




all events


future positive vs negative


future vs past events


interaction of (future vs past) and (positive vs negative)


future negative vs other events


past positive vs negative


positive vs negative events



  • Software: Expyriment 0.9.0 (Python 2.7)

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

This passive movie-watching task was part of the Amsterdam Open MRI Collection (AOMIC) battery, described in (Snoek et al., 2021). This movie clip was 11 minutes long and consisted of continuous compilation of 22 natural scenes taken from the movie Koyaanisqatsi (Reggio G. Koyaanisqatsi, 1982) with music composed by Philip Glass. The resolution was adjusted to subtend 16 degrees of visual angle. According to Snoek et al., the scenes were selected because they broadly sample a set of visual parameters (textures and objects with different sizes and different rates of movement). It is important to note that the focus on variation of visual parameters means that the movie lacks a narrative, and thus may be inappropriate for investigating semantic or other high-level processes.


selective_attention emotional_expression visual_orientation emotional_face_recognition face_perception

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This protocol is a part of the AOMIC (Amsterdam Open MRI Collection) battery and is published in (Snoek et al., 2021). HarririAomic explored the processes related to (facial) emotion processing. In each trial, participants were shown three images arranged in the form of a triangle, with one image at the top and two at the bottom. Their task was to identify which of the two bottom images matched the top image and respond accordingly. During a shape condition trial, they had to match the shape of the images, specifically whether the oval shape was oriented vertically or horizontally. During an emotion condition trial, they had to match the emotion/facial expression (either fear or anger) in the images. The stimulus disappeared after 4.8 seconds or as soon as the participant responded, and new trial always began 5 seconds after the onset of each trial. There were two runs for this task, with trials presented in a block design alternating shape and emotion blocks. Each condition included four blocks.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for HarririAomic




When the presented trial was that with emotions


When subject responded with index finger, meaning the image on left matched with image on top


When subject responded with middle finger, meaning the image on right matched with image on top


Viewing a shape

Contrasts for HarririAomic




match the facial expression


match facial expression vs the shape of image


matching left image to top cue


matching right image to top cue


match the shape of images


feature_integration facial_expression visual_face_recognition negative_emotion face_perception

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This protocol is a part of the AOMIC (Amsterdam Open MRI Collection) battery and is published in (Snoek et al., 2021). FacesAomic explored the processes related to emotional facial perception. The stimuli consisted of videos showing facial expressions of individuals, either male and female, expressing emotions such as pride, contempt, anger, joy, or no expression. As in the original study, each face was also labeled as either Northern European or Mediterranean. For this IBC implementation, the run duration was extended from 4 to 6 minutes, and an extra run was added by including additional video stimuli from the Amsterdam Dynamic Facial Expression Set (ADFES) (Schalk et al., 2011) . Videos featured both female and male models, and a post-acquisition task was added to control for attention: participants were instructed to try to remember each face and expression combination they had seen, and after each run, they were shown a specific combination and had to indicate whether they had seen it. Each video was 4 seconds long, with 5 seconds of inter-trial interval and 8 videos in each run. Each video was associated with three conditions: emotions, gender and ethnicity; which were counterbalanced within and across runs.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for FacesAomic




Video of a face expressing anger


Video of a face expressing contempt


Video with an european ethnicity model expressing some emotion


Video with female face expressing some emotion


Video of a face expressing joy


Video with male face expressing some emotion


Video with a mediterranean ethnicity model expressing some emotion


Baseline, when no emotion was expressed


Video of a face expressing pride

Contrasts for FacesAomic




attending to expressive vs neutral faces


attending to face expressing anger


attending to angry vs neutral face


attending to face expressing contempt


attending to contempt vs neutral face


attending to european vs mediterranean ethnicity face


attending to female vs male face


attending to face expressing joy


attending to joyful vs neutral face


attending to male vs female face


attending to mediterranean vs european ethnicity face


attending to face with negative vs neutral feeling


attending to neutral face


attending to face with positive vs negative feeling


attending to face with positive vs neutral feeling


attending to face expressing pride


attending to pride vs neutral face


selective_attention conflict_detection visual_face_recognition visual_word_recognition face_perception

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This protocol is a part of the AOMIC (Amsterdam Open MRI Collection) battery and is published in (Snoek et al., 2021). StroopAomic explored the processes related to cognitive conflict and control. Participants were presented with greyscale images of faces of female and male models with certain words in red overlaid on top. The words were related to gender terms, using the french words for “man”, “sir”, “woman” and “lady”, in either lower or upper case. Their task was to identify whether the image depicted a male or female model while ignoring the overlaid word. Differently from the original study, the face images for this IBC implementation were taken from the stimuli set provided by Morrison2017, since the original ones were not available. There were two runs of this task, in which each face-word composite stimulus was presented for 0.5 seconds in an event-related design, and was either congruent (same sex of face and word) or incongruent (different sex of face and word). The congruent and incongruent conditions were counterbalanced in each run. In total, 96 composite stimuli were presented.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for StroopAomic




The presented word matches the face shown


Female face shown


Male face shown


The presented word did not match the face shown


The presented word corresponds to a female


The presented word corresponds to a male

Contrasts for StroopAomic




word and face matched vs did not match


attending to female face while reading ‘female’


attending to male face while reading ‘male’


male vs female face


word and face did not match vs matched


attending to male face while reading ‘female’


attending to female face while reading ‘male’


indicate the face is of male vs of female


identifying a male face


indicate the face is of female vs of male


identifying a female face


word ‘male’ vs ‘female’


visual_attention visual_working_memory visual_orientation

Implemented using proprietary software

  • Software: Presentation (Version 20.1, Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., Berkeley, CA)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This protocol is a part of the AOMIC (Amsterdam Open MRI Collection) battery and is published in (Snoek et al., 2021). Working Memory Aomic explored the processes related to visual working memory. Subjects were presented with a set of six white bars arranged in a circle around a fixation cross, where each bar had a random orientation: either 0, 45, 90, or 135 degrees (retention phase). Subsequently, one of these bars reappeared with either the same or a different orientation (test phase). Participants were required to indicate whether the orientation was the same or different (response phase). Each trial lasted around 6 seconds and was assigned to one of three conditions: active change, active no change, or passive. In passive trials, bars were not displayed. Across two runs, there were a total of 8 passive trials, 16 trials each for active change and active no change, and 20 null trials, which functioned as additional inter-stimulus intervals.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for WMAomic




The probe had a different orientation than it had on the array


The probe had the same orientation than it had on the array


Passive trials, the bars were not displayed

Contrasts for WMAomic




assess probe orientation vs null event


probe did not match previous orientation


probe did not match vs matched orientation


probe matched previous orientation


null event


visual_object_recognition oddball_detection visual_pseudoword_recognition visual_place_recognition visual_face_recognition


  • Software: Psychtoolbox-3 (MATLAB 2021b)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This protocol was adapted from a study conducted by colleagues at NeuroSpin, CEA Saclay (Morfoisse et al.). The goal of the study is to understand the neural representations of real-world things from different semantic categories at various levels of abstraction/rendering, and with that aim, they encountered the need to have a special run to localize areas or regions specific to different categories before presenting them on different levels of abstraction. The localizer was different from the four runs in that the images were from eight different categories - faces, human body, words, non-sense words, numbers, places, objects and checkerboards. Each category in the localizer was presented in a block of 6 seconds with each image being displayed for 100 ms followed by a 200 ms inter-stimuli interval.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for LocalizerAbstraction




Checkerboards images


Face images


Body images


Non-sense words images


Number images


Object Images


Place images


Words images


Subject’s button press when they saw a star

Contrasts for LocalizerAbstraction




localizer for checkerboards


checkerboards vs other categories


localizer for human faces


human faces vs other categories


localizer for human bodies


human bodies vs other categories


localizer for nonsense words


nonsense words vs other categories


localizer for numbers


numbers vs other categories


localizer for objects


objects vs other categories


localizer for places


places vs other categories


localizer for words


words vs other categories


response to star image as control


visual_representation visual_form_recognition visual_object_recognition oddball_detection edge_detection


  • Software: Psychtoolbox-3 (MATLAB 2021b)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This protocol was adapted from a study conducted by colleagues at NeuroSpin, CEA Saclay (Morfoisse et al.). They aimed to understand the neural representations of real-world things across different semantic categories at varying levels of abstraction or rendering. Participants were presented with images from six different semantic categories - human body, animals, faces, flora, objects and places places - rendered at three different levels: geometry, edges and photos, in ascending order of detail. There were four different pictures from each category. Additionally, to control for attention, five images of a star were intermingled, and participants were instructed to press a button whenever they saw them. Thus, each run consisted of a total of 77 images (6 categories x 4 examples x 3 renderings + 5 star probes). Each image was presented for 300 ms with a variable inter-stimulus durations of 4, 6 or 8 seconds. Participants completed eight runs of approximately 8 minutes each, except for sub-06 and sub-11, who performed the task in a setup of 4 runs lasting 16 minutes each, with the same total number of images presented.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Abstraction




Images of a bird presented with the edge render


Images of a bird presented with the geometry render


Images of a bird presented with the photo render


Images of a butterfly presented with the edge render


Images of a butterfly presented with the geometry render


Images of a butterfly presented with the photo render


Images of a fish presented with the edge render


Images of a fish presented with the geometry render


Images of a fish presented with the photo render


Images of a giraffe presented with the edge render


Images of a giraffe presented with the geometry render


Images of a giraffe presented with the photo render


Image of a cat face presented with the edge render


Image of a cat face presented with the geometry render


Image of a cat face presented with the photo render


Image of eyes presented with the edge render


Image of eyes presented with the geometry render


Image of eyes presented with the photo render


Image of a different face presented with the edge render


Image of a different face presented with the geometry render


Image of a different face presented with the photo render


Image of a face presented with the edge render


Image of a face presented with the geometry render


Image of a face presented with the photo render


Image of a carrot presented with the photo render


Image of a carrot presented with the photo render


Image of a carrot presented with the photo render


Image of a cherry presented with the photo render


Image of a cherry presented with the photo render


Image of a cherry presented with the photo render


Image of a flower presented with the photo render


Image of a flower presented with the photo render


Image of a flower presented with the photo render


Image of a tree presented with the photo render


Image of a tree presented with the photo render


Image of a tree presented with the photo render


Edge rendering of hands


Geometry rendering of hands


Photo rendering of hands


Edge rendering of legs


Geometry rendering of legs


Photo rendering of legs


Edge rendering of standing human


Geometry rendering of standing human


Photo rendering of standing human


Edge rendering of walking human


Geometry rendering of walking human


Photo rendering of walking human


Image of a camara presented with the photo render


Image of a camara presented with the photo render


Image of a camara presented with the photo render


Image of a key presented with the photo render


Image of a key presented with the photo render


Image of a key presented with the photo render


Image of a truck presented with the photo render


Image of a truck presented with the photo render


Image of a truck presented with the photo render


Image of a watch presented with the photo render


Image of a watch presented with the photo render


Image of a watch presented with the photo render


Image of a house presented with the photo render


Image of a house presented with the photo render


Image of a house presented with the photo render


Image of a mountain presented with the photo render


Image of a mountain presented with the photo render


Image of a mountain presented with the photo render


Image of a road presented with the photo render


Image of a road presented with the photo render


Image of a road presented with the photo render


Image of a windmill presented with the photo render


Image of a windmill presented with the photo render


Image of a windmill presented with the photo render


Subject’s button press when they saw a star

Contrasts for Abstraction




renders of animals vs of rest of categories


edge renders of an animals


edge vs geometry and photo render of animals


geometry renders of animals


geometry vs edge and photo render of animals


photo of an animal


photo vs geometry and edge render of animals


edge vs geometry and photo render


renders of faces vs of rest of categories


edge renders of human faces


edge vs geometry and photo render of faces


geometry renders of human faces


geometry vs edge and photo render of faces


photos of human faces


photo vs geometry and edge render of faces


renders of flora vs of rest of categories


edge renders of flora


edge vs geometry and photo render of flora


geometry renders of flora


geometry vs edge and photo render of flora


photos of flora


photo vs geometry and edge render of flora


geometry vs edge and photo render


renders of human bodies vs of rest of categories


edges renders of human bodies


edge vs geometry and photo render of human bodies


geometry renders of human bodies


geometry vs edge and photo render of human bodies


photos of human bodies


photo vs geometry and edge render of human bodies


renders of objects vs of rest of categories


edge renders of objects


edge vs geometry and photo render of objects


geometry renders of objects


geometry vs edge and photo render of objects


photos of objects


photo vs geometry and edge render of objects


photo vs geometry and edge render


renders of places vs of rest of categories


edge renders of places


edge vs geometry and photo render of places


geometry renders of places


geometry vs edge and photo render of places


photos of places


photo vs geometry and edge render of places


button press to star


action-outcome_learning visual_working_memory action_perception syntactic_parsing visual_sentence_comprehension


  • Software: Psychopy 2021.1.3. (Python 3.8.5)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

The Multi-Domain Task Battery was adapted from a study conducted by (King et al., 2019), where they aimed to investigate the functional organization of the cerebellum cortex by running a fMRI study with a collection of more than 20 tasks. The authors made the paradigm’s code and parameters openly available for 9 of those tasks at the time here, which allowed us to integrate them in the IBC project. The implementation was different than usual; here we presented all 9 tasks in one run, instead of dedicating a separated run for each task.

The protocol consisted of a short training session outside the scanner and 4 runs inside the scanner. In every run each task was performed twice in blocks of 35 seconds. In every run each task was performed twice in blocks of 35 seconds. At the beginning of each block, the instructions were displayed for 5 seconds so that subjects remember the instructions and expected actions. Immediately after, the task was performed continuously for 30 seconds, therefore each run lasted around 10 minutes and 30 seconds. If the task involved response from the subjects, they received feedback on their performance, which was given in form of a green check mark or a red cross, for correct or incorrect answers. At the end of each run, the success rates for each task were displayed followed by a video of a knot being tied as a part of an attention control task during the action observation task (described below).

Following are detailed descriptions for each task:

1) Visual search: Several ‘L’ shaped characters rotated at different angles were shown on each trial and subjects were asked to search for the standard (correct) orientation and press with their index finger if it was present, or with their middle finger if it was not. On each run, this task was performed twice, and for each time there were 12 trials, half of them being True (the correct ‘L’ shape was present). The order of True and False trials was randomized for each block on each run.

2) Action observation: Videos of knots being tied were displayed along with their name tags, and subjects were asked to remember the knot and its name. Two different knots were presented per run, and at the end of each run, another video of a knot was shown, this time without the name tag. We then asked subjects if this particular knot was displayed during the run, and if so, say the name. Only for run 3 the knot displayed at end was presented during the run.

3) Flexion - extension: Alternating cues with the words ‘Extension’ and ‘Flexion’ were presented, to indicate the participants to do so with their toes.

4) Finger sequence: A sequence of 6 digits from 1 to 4 were displayed and subjects were asked to press the keys corresponding to the numbers in the shown sequence. The mapping went from index being 1 to pinky being 4. Each block consisted of 8 trials and two blocks were presented during each run. The trials could be either simple or complex: the simple trials involving one or two consecutive fingers, and the complex involving three or four fingers, not necessarily consecutive. As the subject pressed the buttons, the digits became green if the correct key was pressed or red if not. At the end of each trial, if all the digits on the sequence were accurately followed, a green check appeared as feedback, if one or more was incorrect, a red cross appeared. Each trial lasted for 3.5 seconds, if the subject didn’t complete the sequence before the end of the trial, it was counted as incorrect and the red cross appeared.

5) Theory of mind: The subject was presented with a short paragraph narrating a story, followed by a related statement. Subjects must decide whether the statement is true based on the initial paragraph by pressing with their index finger, or false by pressing with their middle finger. Four trials in total were performed per run, half of them being true. If the subject answered correctly, a green check appeared, and on the contrary, a red cross appeared. Each trial lasted 14 seconds, if the subject did not reply during that period, the trial was counted as a mistake and the negative feedback appeared.

6) 2-back: Several images were presented, one after another. For each presented image, participants had to press with their index finger if it is the same that was presented 2 images before or with their middle finger if it was not. The trials were divided into easy and hard. The easy trials were the ones where the current image presented was not displayed two images before, and the hard trials were those where it was. There were 12 trials per block, 7 of the easy type and 5 of the hard type. As the rest of tasks, this was performed twice, leading to 24 trials in total per run. Each image was displayed for 2 seconds, followed by the feedback which was once again a green check or a red cross.

7) Semantic prediction: Words from a sentence were shown, one at a time. Subjects must decide whether the last word fits into the sentence or not, by pressing with their index or middle finger, respectively. There were 4 trials per block, leading to 8 trials per run. Each block consisted of 2 ‘True’ and 2 ‘False’ trials, and the order of appearance was randomized. Each trial could be either hard or easy to perform, depending on the ambiguity of the sentence and there were 2 easy and 2 hard trials per block. The subjects received feedback after their response, a green check or a red cross, consistent with the tasks described above.

8) Romance movie watching: A 30 second clip from the 2009 Disney Pixar movie ‘Up’ was presented without any sound. Subjects were instructed to watch passively. Two such clips were presented on each run, and no clip was repeated across or within the runs.

9) Rest: Short resting-state period, a fixation cross was displayed and subjects were asked to fixate on it and not move.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for MDTB




Easy 2-back trial, it is easy to remember whether the image was shown 2 images ago.


Hard 2-back trial, it is hard to remember whether the image was shown 2 images ago.


Watching a pair of hands make a specific knot


The resulting knot is shown from different angles


Sequence of button presses that is hard to complete (with no consecutive or repeated fingers)


Sequence of button presses that is easy to complete (using consecutive or repeated fingers)


Continuous flexion and extension of toes


It is easy to judge whether there is a right-oriented ‘L’ shape present on the array


It is hard to judge whether there is a right-oriented ‘L’ shape present on the array


Easy to decide whether the last word fits in the sentence, natural sequence


Hard to decide whether the last word fits in the sentence, ambiguous sequence


The statement presented relates to thoughts or believes the characters from the paragraph might have


The statement presented relates to facts described on the paragraph

Contrasts for MDTB




easy 2-back


hard 2-back


hard vs easy 2-back


watching hands make a specific knot


hands making specific knot vs resulting knot


resulting knot shown from different angles


hard sequence of button presses


hard vs easy button sequence


easy sequence of button presses


continuous toes flexion-extension


easy to look for the right-oriented shape


hard to look for the right-oriented shape


hard vs easy to find the correct shape


easy to decide whether the last word fits in a sentence


hard to decide whether the last word fits in a sentence


ambiguous vs natural sequence


statement relates to character’s believes


statement relates to believes vs facts


statement relates to facts from paragraph


emotional_self-evaluation visual_perception visual_scene_perception negative_emotion


  • Software: Psychtoolbox-3 (MATLAB 2021b)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

This tasks was adapted from (Favre et al., 2021). This protocol aimed to examine emotional processing and the regions engaged on it. The subjects were presented with a series of pictures divided in two categories: neutral and negative images. The scenes depicted were mainly in a social context, for instance people chatting or eating during the neutral block; and people suffering or fighting during the negative block. The task consisted of two runs and a short training session before the acquisition. Each run consisted of 12 blocks of 10 images, alternating between neutral and negative blocks. Every picture was displayed for 2 seconds, and the subjects were instructed to press with their index finger if the scene occurred indoors, either inside a building or a car. The inter-block interval lasted 2 seconds, in which a fixation cross was shown. In the middle and in the end of the run the subjects were presented with two questions: How do you feel? and How nervous do you feel?, along with a scale for them to answer, going from not well to extremely well for the former question and not nervous to extremely nervous for the latter. The subjects used their index and middle fingers to slide through the scale and had 7 seconds to give their answer.

The images used for stimuli were extracted from different databases: the International Affective Picture system (IAPS) (Lang et al., 2008), the Geneva Affective Picture Database (GAPED) (Dan-Glauser and Scherer, 2011), the Socio-Moral Image Databade (SMID) (Crone et al., 2018), the Complex Affective Scene Set (COMPASS) (Weierich et al., 2019), the Besançon Affective Picture Set-Adolescents (BAPS-Ado) (Szymanska et al., 2015) and the EmoMadrid database (Carretié et al., 2019). The training session was performed inside the scanner before running the experiment, in order to get the subject familiar with the task and the slider used to answer. The training consisted of 3 blocks: neutral, negative and neutral images, followed by the two questions. We therefore had three main conditions for the task: neutral, negative and assesment.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Emotion




Block of negative images


Block of neutral images


Subject’s rating of emotional state

Contrasts for Emotion




images with negative vs neutral valence


images with negative valence


images with neutral valence


assessment of emotional state


visual_working_memory visual_face_recognition tactile_working_memory visual_body_recognition auditory_attention


  • Software: Psychopy 2021.1.3. (Python 3.8.5)

  • Response device: Five-button ergonomic pad (Current Designs, Package 932 with Pyka HHSC-1x5-N4)

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

  • Hardware: LabJack-U3, custom-made computer-controlled pneumatic system

This protocol was derived from work by colleagues at Laboratory for Neuro- and Psychophysiology from the KU Leuven Medical School, who aimed to compare evoked responses to the same sensory stimulation across two different cohorts of human and non-human primates. Three categories of stimuli were used: visual, tactile and auditory. Visual stimuli consisted of gray-scale pictures of ten classes: monkey and human faces, monkey and human bodies (without the head), four-legged mammals, birds, man-made objects that looked either like a human or a monkey’s body (e.g. guitar or kettle), fruits/vegetables and body-like sculptures. We presented 10 pictures per class, giving a total of 100 images, which were presented superimposed onto a pink noise background that filled the entire display. Tactile stimuli consisted of compressed air puffs delivered on both left and right side of the subjects’ face on three different locations: above the upper lip, around the cheek area or middle lip and beneath the lower lip. The air puffs were delivered using 6 plastic pipes, one to each target location, with an intensity of 0.5 bars, at a distance of approximately 5 mm to the face, without touching it. The plastic pipes were connected to a custom-made computer controlled pneumatic system in the console room. Auditory stimuli consisted of 1-second clips of different natural sounds from six classes: human speech, human no-speech (e.g. baby crying, cough), monkey calls, animal sounds (e.g. horse), tool sounds and musical instruments (e.g. scissors, piano), and sounds from nature (e.g. rain, thunder). There were 10 different sounds per class, thus 60 different sound-clips in total. MR-compatible headphones were used.

To be congruent with the study from our colleagues, the auditory stimuli needed to be presented during silent periods, meaning no scanner noise, to ensure they were clearly audible and distinguishable (Erb et al., 2018). To achieve that, the repetition time (TR) for this protocol was modified to 2.6 seconds, during which we had a silence period (no data acquired, no scanner noise) of 1.2 seconds for stimuli presentation and 1.4 seconds of acquisition time (TA). To ensure uniformity across the experiment, all three types of stimuli were presented during the silent period. Due to the change on TR and TA, some parameters were also updated to maintain a good enough spatial-resolution. This table contains the final set of acquisition parameters used for this protocol.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for MultiModal




Animal sounds different from monkeys used as audio stimulus


Monkey sounds used as audio stimulus


Nature sounds (i.e. rain) used as audio stimulus


Control condition for both audio and visual stimuli, no sound played and no image displayed


Speech sounds used as audio stimulus


Tools sounds used as audio stimulus


Human sounds (i.e. laugh, cough) used as audio stimulus


Image of an animal different from monkeys and birds used as visual stimulus


Image of a bird used as visual stimulus


Image of fruits used as visual stimulus


Image of a human body (without the head) used as visual stimulus


Image of a human face used as visual stimulus


Image of an object used by humans (i.e. guitar) used as visual stimulus


Image of a monkey body (without the head) used as visual stimulus


Image of a monkey face used as visual stimulus


Image of an object used by monkeys (i.e. drinker) used as visual stimulus


Image of a sculpture used as visual stimulus


Air puffs delivered beneath the lower lips as tactile stimulus


Air puffs delivered by the middle lips as tactile stimulus


Control condition for tactile stimulus, air is sent to the pair of pipes placed outside the coil, so it doesn’t touch the subject


Air puffs delivered above the upper lips as tactile stimulus

Contrasts for MultiModal




images of all faces, bodies or animals vs rest of visual stimuli


all audio stimuli


all audio stimuli vs silence


audio vs tactile stimuli


audio vs visual stimuli


different animal sounds (except for monkey)


monkey sounds


sound made by nature


no visual or audio stimuli


speech sounds


sound of noise made by tools


sounds made by humans (laugh, cough)


images of human or monkey faces or bodies vs rest of visual stimuli


images of human or monkey bodies vs rest of visual stimuli


images of human or monkey faces vs rest of visual stimuli


images of animals (no monkeys or birds)


images of birds


images of fruits


images of head-less human bodies


images of human faces


images of vertical objects


images of head-less monkey bodies


images of monkey faces


images of round objects


images of sculptures


monkey sounds vs rest of audio stimuli


speech or human sounds vs rest of audio stimuli


speech sounds vs rest of audio stimuli


all tactile stimuli


tactile vs audio stimuli


all tactile stimuli vs no stimuli


tactile vs visual stimuli


air puff on bottom lip


air puff on middle lip


air puff on upper lip


all visual stimuli


visual vs audio stimuli


all visual stimuli vs pink-noise


visual vs tactile stimuli


visual_awareness action-outcome_learning visual_scene_perception motor_planning planning


  • Software: Psychopy 2021.1.3. (Python 3.8.5)

  • Response device: MR-compatible video game controller

  • Audio device: MRConfon MKII

This task involves a video game protocol where participants played Super Mario Bros. We adapted the implementation from our colleagues at the Courtois-Neuromod project, who used it with their own cohort, based on the premise that video game playing engages various cognitive domains such as constant reward processing, strategic planning, environmental monitoring, and action-taking (Bellec and Boyle, 2019). Therefore, monitoring brain activity during video game play provides an intriguing window into the interaction of these cognitive processes. Our colleagues at the Courtois-Neuromod team also designed an MRI-compatible video game controller, which closely resembles the shape and essence of commercial controllers, ensuring a familiar gaming experience. We replicated this controller for the IBC project; for more details, refer to (Harel et al., 2023). This implementation was created using OpenAI’s GymRetro package.

The game consisted of eight different worlds, each with three levels. Participants were instructed to play freely and complete as many levels as possible within the session, resulting in varying time spent on each level for each participant. None of the participants completed the entire game, but the majority reached the last world. Participants had unlimited lives but were allowed only three attempts to complete a level, meaning that if they lost twice consecutively, they would return to the last checkpoint in the current level. Losing a third time would restart the level and reset the count. This task was conducted over two sessions, with each session consisting of six runs lasting 10 minutes each. Each session began anew. Additionally, subsequent runs picked up where the previous one left off. For example, if a player was halfway through a level when an acquisition run ended, they would resume from the same point in the next run.

The conditions for this task are described in this table and the main contrasts derived from those conditions are described in this table.

Conditions for Mario




Player jumps by pressing a special key


Player runs to the left (backwards) constrained by the current field of view


Player walks to the left (backwards) constrained by the current field of view


Player runs to the right, advancing into the current world and level


Player walks to the right, advancing into the current world and level


Player loses size or dies


Enemy appears in the field of view


Player earns coins, either visible or hidden coins


The enemy is defeated by the player in various ways: by smashing the brick underneath the enemy’s position, by activating a lethal element directed towards the enemy, or by temporarily gaining the power to eliminate the enemy upon contact.


Player kicks the enemy, making it fall or die


Player kills the enemy by stomping


Player gets a shot of life and size by catching a specified element (mushroom)

Contrasts for Mario




jumping, running or walking


jumping by pressing designated key


go backwards by pressing left key


go forward by pressing right key


losing power or dying


enemy appearance on screen


getting a reward


getting a reward vs losing


getting coins


getting a reward for killing enemy vs other rewards


killing an enemy by stomp